How to Install Backtrack 5 R3 on VM

1. Go to file and click on new
(click on image for large view)

2. Select typical and click next

3. Select DVD drive or ISO and click next

4. Select linux and click next

5. You can rename your OS and also You can choose where do you want to install your OS means in which drive or directory

6. Resize your OS installation disk size It should be more than 20 GB for comfort and click on Next

7. Just click on finish

8. After booting your ISO the screen will show like given Image just type startx and Hit Enter

9. Loading……

10. Right click on this icon and open it

11. Click Forward

12. Click Forward

13. Click Forward

14. Here we are choosing Erase and use entire Disk because we have created a separate Partition for our BT OS installation. This is good for installing OS on VMware. Simply click on forward

15. Click on install

16. Installation start….. ( it takes time)

17. Installation completed… click on Restart Now

18. Now login put bt login : root  hot enter  password : toor and hit enter  

19. Just write startx and hit enter

20. Now right click and delete the installation icon form your desktop and you done enjoy.

(click on image for large view)

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