How to use dnsrecon in Kali Linux

Intro - dnsrecon is a tool for enumeration, coded in python. It enables to gather DNS-oriented information on a given target. 

1.  How to open dnsrecon
      A. GUI Method –
                Application → Kali Linux → Information gathering  → DNS Analysis → dnsrecon
                                                                                      (click image for large view)

B. Open Terminal and type dnsrecon and hit enter. Read all command for Skill.

2. There was a bug in kali linux. When we open dnsrecon tool with GUI method there you will see an error as image shown. But this bug has been fixed by Kali Team on new update. More click here

3.  Standard Record Enumeration – As result we can get SOA record, Name Server(NS), mail Host (MX), IP ranges that the company is using and what servers can send emails (SPF).
Syntax - dnsrecon -t std -d domain 
Ex- dnsrecon -t std -d

4.  Srv Records Enumeration - we enumerated the SRV (Service) records.  we know that they are using a jabber (XMPP). We also obtained the IP and the ports that these services are running.
Syntax - dnsrecon -t srv -d domain
Ex- dnsrecon -t srv -d

5. Zone Transfer - The security problem with DNS zone transfer is that it can be used to decipher the topology of a company’s network.Specifically when a user is trying to perform a zone transfer it sends a DNS query to list all DNS information like name servers,host names,MX and CNAME records,zone serial number,Time to Live records etc.Due to the amount of information that can be obtained DNS zone transfer cannot be easily found.
Syntax - dnsrecon -t axfr -d domain
Ex- dnsrecon -t axfr -d

6. Top Level Enumeration – It shows top level domain name with their Ip address.
Syntax - dnsrecon -t tld -d domain
Ex - dnsrecon -t tld -d

7.  Reverse Lookup - Reverse DNS lookup is the determination of a domain name with the associated IP address. DNSRecon can perform a reverse lookup for PTR (Pointer) records against IPv4 and IPv6 address ranges.
Syntax - dnsrecon -r start IP-end IP
Ex - dnsrecon -r

8. Saving Enumeration Result - To save all enumeration result we would you following command.
Syntax - dnsrecon -d --xml filename
Ex- dnsrecon -d --xml mr

9. you can find your saved file here
(click image for large view)

Note :-
-d is used for denoting domain.
-t is used to specify, which type of enumerations you want to use.

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