Speed up Google search in Android..!

 If u feel that your mobile have slow search speed on google search engine 
thn you can came to right place..

Yes offcourse by using this tweak you can easily speed up the search on google

If tapping the search bar and typing a search term inside the Google Search app seems painfully slow on your Android device, you're not alone. Thankfully, there's a an easy—albeit experimental—fix that can speed up those searches significantly, and all you have to do is disable a built-in system app to do it.

According to a few enterprising posters at Reddit and a bug report over at the Android project at Google Code, the reason Google searches can be so slow inside the Google App is because the "Search Applications Provider" utility built into Android is poorly optimized. It hangs trying to bring up other built-in applications that can handle search or match the search term you're typing, which slows down your phone and keeps your actual Google results from appearing. To fix the problem, you just have to disable that app:

Speed Up Slow Google Searches in Android with This Tweak
  • Tap the menu button and select settings.
  • Select Apps, then swipe over to All Apps.
  • Scroll down to Search Applications Provider. Tap it, then tap Disable.
You'll get a warning that some other apps may misbehave, and that's a fair warning—not everyone in the Reddit thread linked below had great results, and some people reported issues. On the whole though, the general reaction is positive, and most people saw speedier Google searches as a result. I tested it out on two devices, and in both cases I saw the same effect that most people in the thread reporte

Note if u feel ur search become slow after changing the setting pls comment below your mobile...