Sunday Reads - The Secret War & Defining Turkey

  • The Secret War. (Wired

  • Inside the [U.S.] NSA's ultra-secret China hacking group. (Foreign Policy)

  • "I tried to be a star but it did not work for me." Interview with Irrfan Khan. (Indian Express)

One night in the House of Commons, Churchill, after imbibing
a few drinks, stumbled into Bessie Braddock, a corpulent Labourite member from
Liverpool. An angry Bessie straightened her clothes and addressed the British

"Winston," she roared. "You are drunk, and
what’s more, you are disgustingly drunk."

Churchill, surveying Bessie, replied, "And might I say,
Mrs. Braddock, you are ugly, and what’s more, disgustingly ugly. But
tomorrow," Churchill added, "I shall be sober."