Windows 8.1 is available, says Microsoft


Windows 8.1 is available, says Microsoft 
With an extension to its Windows operating system, Microsoft(NASDAQ:MSFT) at the Build Conference in San Francisco has announced immediate availability of theWindows 8.1 Preview. The company also gave an overview of the growing economic opportunities for developers to build differentiated, touch-based apps for the Windows platform, including new developer tools and increased support. Microsoft also highlighted the upcoming apps to Windows, including Facebook, Flipboard and NFL. The Windows 8.1 will provide additional opportunity for developers to design, build and market their Windows Store apps.
At the conference, CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, along with Corporate VP of Windows, Julie Larson-Green, gave the demo of Windows 8.1, focussing on the key areas of personalization, increased functionality for businesses, new in-the-box apps and more.
Joseph Landes, General Manager – DPE, Microsoft India, said, "Windows is setting an accelerated pace for updates and innovations. Continual updates and creating a richer experience for Windows customers is our new normal. The next step in this transformation is the Windows 8.1 update. Windows 8.1 will bring unprecedented opportunity for developers in India and across the globe enabling them to develop applications on the Windows platform. It will provide more options for businesses, and give consumers enhanced benefits for work and play across form-factors of all sizes."
Windows 8.1 will deliver new opportunities for developers to build and monetize apps and engage users. It will also offer developers a canvas to present and develop compelling app designs. Windows 8.1 apps can work together.......See More