Blog Showing Only one or Two post on Home Page

Problem - Are you one of those bloggers feeling troubled by the auto pagination happening on blogger.When you set the No. of posts to be shown on blogger settings as 8 or 10, seldom did you know that blogger may want to show only 1-3 posts due to the fact that your posts are long and may require usage of a lot more resources of Google Servers than what a single blog should be doing.

Solution - When you are writing a post in the blogger post composer you will see an option called "Insert Jump Break".

You can use this option and give a jump break somewhere in the middle of the post. This is actually meant to ensure that not all the content of the post will be shown on the home page. This is in case if you want to display small snippets of 7-8 or more posts on home page with each snippet showing a bit of content and ending with "Read More". Similar to what is seen on my home page. 7 posts are shown but not the complete content is seen. Even if your blogger template is programmed to automatically display snippets, you must insert the jump break to make sure that the number of posts that you have entered in the settings and the actual number posts shown on the home page, tally.

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