Most Famous & useful cloud storage apps & service for android...
For this first of all what is cloud storage.
I think you all guys knw abt cloud storage service..if u dosen't know thn read it here
Now getting into the point.
Some of the most famous cloud apps for Android:
Moving picture files and other stuff to and from your device to the cloud server can prove to be a monumental task for compulsive shutterbugs. If you like the idea of an efficient “assistant” to do the job of making backups on the cloud for all the files that make it to your device or laptop, then look no further than SugarSync. Losing a valuable folder or file is a thing of the past with this nifty app.
If you’re the type who likes committing your thoughts to a written document from time to time, Evernote will help you with your memoirs. You can also take web clippings and the app will store it for you for your future reference. No list will be complete without the ever popular Dropbox. 2GB of free space for new users is always welcome news. Even better is the fact that referring the app to your friends rewards you with additional free space. Casual music listeners will appreciate the fact that this unique app streams music according to your tastes at any given moment. Just input the necessary filters (artist, song, or composer) and Pandora will play music based on them. Streaming data means that your “whim-of-the-moment” aural samplings need not occupy precious space on your device. What Pandora does for music, Netflix will do for videos. Limited availability (currently usable on a select few devices only) somehow undermines its propensity for greatness. At least, for now.
Mozy gained fame as a reliable backup service for Windows and Mac users, but spinoff Mozy Mobile isn’t half bad for mobile device users.5 GB of free cloud space sound appealing to you? Of course it is; that, and the fact that retrieving and viewing data on your Android is a cinch with this handy little app. The paid version is oriented for business users, but the free version is downright awesome for freeing up space in your device, anywhere, anytime.This app comes across as some sort of maverick in that Amazon preceded similar apps from better known players in the music niche, like Apple, with this offering. Not bad, considering this is a landmark move by Amazon. 5GB of free music cloud storage