How to install Mozila firefox in kali linux

1. First of all remove iceweasel

Syntax – apt-get remove iceweasel
                                                                              (click image for large view)

2. iceweasel is removing

3. now run this it adds repository for the installation
Syntax – echo –e “\ndeb all main” | tee –a /etc/apt/source.list> /dev/null

For verification this added in your source list or not you can open /etc/apt/source.list with your text editor

4. import the required gpg key
Syntax – apt-key adv –recv-keys –keyserver C1289A29

5. ‘update the required package’ This is must for installation firefox.
Syntax – apt-get update

6. install mozilla firefox on your system
Syntax – apt-get install firefox-mozilla-build

7. Mozilla Firefox
(click image for large view)

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