How to use Maltego casefile in kali linux

Intro – We have already learned about maltego. If you didn’t read you should read maltego before reading this  so now we will learn about casefile. This is pretty interesting. CaseFile is the little brother to Maltego. It targets a unique market of 'offline' analysts whose primary sources of information are not gained from the open-source intelligence side or can be programmatically queried. We see these people as investigators and analysts who are working 'on the ground', getting intelligence from other people in the team and building up an information map of their investigation.
CaseFile gives you the ability to quickly add, link and analyze data having the same graphing flexibility and performance as Maltego without the use of transforms. CaseFile is roughly a third of the price of Maltego.

1. How to open casefile

A. GUI Method
Application →Kali Linux → Information gathering → OSINT Analysis → casefile
                                                                           (Click on image for large view)

B.  open terminal and type casefile and hit enter

2. Add an image 

3. Add a note

4. Bookmarking

5.  Dragging a arrow/ line

My Casefile
(Click on image for large view)

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