How to use netdiscover in kali linux

Intro –  Netdiscover is an active/passive address reconnaissance tool, mainly developed for those wireless networks without DHCP server, when you are wardriving. It can be also used on hub/switched networks.This tool will allow us to quickly gather IP address on a given network and as stated above work great in wireless networks that have no DHCP server.

1. How to open netdiscover
A. GUI Method

Application →Kali Linux → Information gathering → Live Host Identification → netdiscover
                                                                          (click on image for large view)

B. open terminal type netdiscover –h this command will open netdiscover with help option

2. This command is used to auto scan. As result it detect online hosts, IP address, MAC address and other details. If you want to stop this scan you need to press Ctrl + C.
Syntax – netdiscover

3. This command is used to scan given  range of IP. As result it detect online hosts, IP address, MAC address and other details.
Syntax – netdiscover –I interface –r IP range
Ex – netdiscover –I eth0 –r
(click on image for large view)

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