HOWTO : Burp Suite with Tor on Mac OS X 10.8.4

Step 1 :

Go to the Burp Suite official site to download the free edition.

Then save it to Documents folder.

Step 2 :

Open a terminal.


java -jar /Users/samiux/Documents/burpsuite_free_v1.5.jar

Replace "samiux" with your user name.

Step 3 :

Go to Java official site to download Java JRE

Step 4 :

Go to Tor official website to download and install "Tor Browser Bundle for 64-Bit Mac".

Step 5 :

Go to Privoxy official site to download Privoxy 3.0.21 64 bit.pkg and install.

Step 6 :

Open a terminal.

nano /usr/local/etc/privoxy/config

Append the following lines :

forward-socks5 / .

forward 192.168.*.*/ .

Restart the Mac.

Step 7 :

Open a terminal and go to the Documents folder.


Options >> Upstream Proxy Servers >> Add >> Proxy host >>

Options >> Upstream Proxy Servers >> Add >> Proxy port >> 8118

Step 8 :

Start "TorBrowser_en-US". The TorBrowser will launch.

ToBrowser >> Preferences >> Advanced >> Connection >> Settings

Select "Manual proxy configuration:".

HTTP Proxy >> >> Port >> 8080

SOCKS Host >> >> Port >> 9150

Step 9 :

Make sure Burp Suite is behind the Tor my visiting

Remarks :

To install in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is similar. However, the port 9150 will be port 9050.

That's all! See you.