Netsparker Community Edition version released

Netsparker can crawl, attack and identify vulnerabilities in all custom web applications regardless of the platform and the technology they are built, simulating a real attacker. It can identify vulnerabilities in web applications such as SQL Injection, Cross-site Scripting (XSS), remote code execution, and many more.Through the resources, it is possible to get a reverse shell of a SQL injection or extraction of data through execution of SQL queries handled.

Some new features in version

• Scan Policy Editor, which allows you to build policies for own scanner security checks web applications more efficient.
• Encode and Decode Oracle Encoder CHR
• New model of PCI Compliance Report
• Ruby on Rails (remote code execution vulnerability of code)
• Detection of known security issues (such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal)
• Analysis disclosure version for Apache module mod_ssl, and Ruby WEBrick
• Identification of phpMyAdmin and Webalizer
• Detection of error messages that could disclose information SHTML sensitive
WebDAV • New engine that detects security problems of implementing WebDAV vulnerable
Injection • Server-Side Includes (SSI)

Full Changelog