REVIEW : Bugtraq 2 Black Widow Final

Bugtraq 2 Black Widow Final builds on Ubuntu, Debian and OpenSuse. Each distribution comes with XFce, Gnome and KDE Window Manager. They all also come with 32-bit and 64-bit. A total of 18 copies that the Bugtraq Team needs to maintain.

Bugtraq 2 Black Widow pre-installed and configured some useful Penetration Testing tools that others Pentesting Linux distributions lack of. It also includes smartphone pentesting tools. It will be sweet if Bugtraq 2 can pre-installed Immunity Debugger and edb-debugger as well as T50 and

The Conky displays a lot of useful information on the screen that most hackers will think fit. However, the Conky script is designed for 4-core (or 2-core with Hyper-threading). If you have 2-core, you need to change the /bugtraq/scripts/conky/ Replace "conky -c /bugtraq/scripts/conky/.conkyrc &" with "conky -c /bugtraq/scripts/conky/.conkyrc2 &". Otherwise, the Conky will not loaded.

Bugtraq 2 is also lack of documentation like others. However, you can find a lot of demo video at her official site. There are some interesting demo video, such as bonet setting.

Bugtraq 2 is working well on virtual machine, such as VirtualBox and Parallels (Mac OSX). I tested on Lenovo ThinkPad X201s and find no problem with Ubuntu XFce and Gnome versions.

Bugtraq Team comes from Spain and the Bugtraq 2 Black Widow is default to Spain language and Spain keyboard layout. When you install Bugtraq 2 Black Widow, you need to set the language to English and keyboard layout to "English (US)" or your country setting. The default username is "bugtraq" and password is "123456". Make sure you set your password after install.

I tested Ubuntu Gnome and XFce copies and find that XFce version has lesser bugs. I think that the team is developed from Ubuntu XFce and then build for others based on it. Therefore, I suggest you to download Ubuntu XFce version.

Bugtraq 2 Black Widow comes with Services Administrator GUI and Databases GUI as well as Conky Manager. However, there are some bugs on those programs. The 2 GUI are situated at "Applications -- System Services".

I prepared an auto-run script to fix the bugs on those programs and you can download it at here. it works well on 32-bit and 64-bit Ubuntu Gnome and XFce version. Others not tested but it may works.

The bugfix script is intended to fix the bugs on the Sagui and DBgui. However, it also fix some minor bugs on Conky. Be keep in mind that the official Conky is written for wireless device (wlan0) while my bugfix script is also written for wlan0. If you are using ethernet device, you need to change the "wlan0" to "eth0" (or any device that fits) on the "+.conkyrc" and "proxys.conf" scripts in the "bugtraq-2-gnome-x32-bugix" directory. Make sure you change it before running the bugfix script. In addition, the script will install some missing packages too.

Extract it with the following command :

tar -xvzf bugtraq-2-gnome-x32-bugfix.tar.gz

To run it :

cd bugtraq-2-gnome-x32-bugfix


In addition, there are some bugs on Hammer System Manager and it requires the team to fix.

After the install, you need to update your box. You can do that with the following commands. Or, you can build a script for that too.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

sudo apt-get --purge autoclean

sudo apt-get --purge auto remove


Highly recommended. Bugtraq 2 Black Widow will give you a new user experience. You will love it. Believe me!


The auto-run script has been updated for minor bug fix on Conky script, you can download at here

That's all! See you.