Ways to treat "Your Computer Has Been Locked" Virus

Among the newly developed viruses, the "Your Computer Has Been Locked" malware is the most notorious one. Besides the infection it gives to one’s computer software, it also tries to get money from its poor victim. This gives out a new term called RANSOMware. The "Your Computer Has Been Locked" commits a locking action to the computer and prompts in a way where it ask for $300 for a alleged court proceeding against the user, and only after paying the said amount when you can proceed in using your the computer.

To set things straight, the sum of $300 is not enough to free anyone from any crime. Moreover, how can you commit a crime when all you do is sit in front of your computer checking your mail? But although it seems to be such a silly scam, this virus promises a serious damage. Aside from the locking action and system errors, "Your Computer Has Been Locked" may also slow down your computer, download and install other malware/s. Being said that, it must be taken down!

To free yourself from any criminal charges (which you did not actually do), to get rid of this malicious software or for whatever purpose, its one virus that should be removed completely from your computer system, and fast!

So, how to remove the "Your Computer Has Been Locked" you ask? Well, there are two ways to treat it- manual and automatic process. And although it may be hard to manually treat your computer, we prepare a few steps to help you.

1.     Manual Processing

“Your Computer Has Been Locked” is just one infection and it can be removed by simply deleting the file and disabling other related files from the Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete). However, to ensure that you have totally removed all “Your Computer Has Been Locked” virus, you must also delete other malware it have downloaded while it is still running because while the other malwares are there, it can still slow down your PC and the “Your Computer Has Been Locked” virus can still come back.

2.     Automatic Processing

Installing a malware security for PC is the best way to do it. It can detect and clean “Your Computer Has Been Locked” virus and all related malwares associated with it. In any case you encounter downloads blocks or other locking action, try to follow these steps:

a.     Change the name of the anti-virus protection into “explorer.exe.” before you run it.
b.    Press F8 when you start your Windows to get you in Safe Mode and then try to install remover.
c.     Download a malware security for PC from a clean computer. With the use of a pen-drive, transfer it to your infected computer.

Remember that prevention is always better than any kind of remedy. Besides, having an anti-virus will always be helpful since you’ll never know what can hit you as long as you’re using the internet. What’s great about having an automated anti-virus program is that you no longer have to be reactive on viruses that may get into your PC. And with just constant update, you can actually free yourself from any kind of malicious software. I know it may be quite costly to get an anti-virus program nowadays. But don’t worry! There are a lot of free antivirus protections for computer that are readily available and can be easily downloaded online.

I understand how irritating it can get when it comes to treating malwares. So, I hope this ends your nightmare. If you have other helpful ideas, share it with us by hitting up the comment/suggestion button.

About the Author:-

James Edward has a passion to write on various computer securities related topics and tricks. He personally prefers and recommends to choose cloud antivirus softwareto protecting computers from malicious programs like viruses & malwares.

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