GoLismero - The Web Knife Version 2.0 beta Released

GoLismero is an Open Source security tools that can run their own security tests and manage a lot of well known security tools (OpenVas, Wfuzz, SQLMap, DNS recon, robot analyzer...) take their results, feedback to the rest of tools and merge all of results. And all of this automatically.

GoLismero is a complete framework with a plugin system and integration with a lot of open source tools.

Why use GoLismero?
  • There many reasons to use GoLismero 2.0. The most interesting features of the framework and why you would like to use it are:
  • Is Open source
  • Real platform independence. Tested on Windows, Linux, *BSD and OS X.
  • No native library dependencies. All of the framework has been written in pure Python.
  • Good performance when compared with other frameworks written in Python and other scripting languages.
  • Very easy to use.
  • Plugin development is extremely simple.
  • The framework also collects and unifies the results of well known tools: sqlmap, xsser, openvas, dnsrecon, theharvester...
  • Integration with standards: CWE, CVE and OWASP.
  • Designed for cluster deployment in mind (not available yet).
