Hackpak2013 - collection of pentesting scripts.

To run specific file:
  • python file.py
  • perl file.pl
  • Need to run php files on browser.
Other versions of:
  1. SecScan/SecS/SecL (the only different of SecScan is this link has updated UI version)
  2. Puppy (Updated UI only)
  3. Lafuzz (old)
  4. Bunny (old)
  5. Leviathan (old)
  6. Slowql (old)
  7. Raven (unreleased/new)
For support, contact innosec.tk@gmail.com

HackPak2013 version 1.5 includes:
- Newer version of SecScan & Puppy.pl
- Resources such as common tables & columns.
- Raw scripts on unfinished tool for learning.
- Custom exploits