KAAIS - Kali Applications Automatic Installation Script (For Kali Linux Only)

KAAIS (Kali Applications Automatic Installer Script) Let's you easily install some applications which doesn't come by default with the Kali Linux distribution. It's user friendly and it incorporates some other things. It also gets updated regularly.


  • Skype (VideoChat Application)
  • TeamViewer (Remote Desktop Support)
  • Ark (Zip/Rar Manager)
  • Zip/Unzip & Rar/Unrar
  • Audacious (Semi-lightweight audio player with a WinAmp/XMMS-like skinnable GUI)
  • Amarok (KDE audio player offering a wealth of features, yet intuitive to use)
  • Banshee (Music management and playback software for GNOME)
  • Sonata (Lightweight GTK+ music client)
  • Audacity (Digital audio editor)
  • Ardour (Digital audio workstation program)
  • Sweep (Audio editor and live playback tool)
  • xChat (IRC Chat Program)
  • FileZilla (An extremely popular cross-platform client)
  • gFTP (Multithreaded client providing both a command-line interface and GUI)
  • KFTPgrabber (Client for KDE)
  • Pinta (Microsoft's Paint like program)
  • GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)
  • Inkscape (Vector-based drawing program)
  • GEdit (Small and lightweight text editor for the GNOME environment)
  • Geany (Small and lightweight Integrated Development Environment (IDE))
  • Emacs (Extensible, customizable, self-documenting text editor)
  • Joe (Terminal-based text editor for Unix systems)
  • Vim (Power of the editor 'Vi', with a more complete feature set)
  • gVim (Highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing)
  • Nano (Clone of Pico, the editor of the Pine email client)
  • Leafpad (GTK+ based simple text editor)
  • Netool.sh (Security PenTesting tool by r00t-3xpl0it)
  • Flash Plugin (Updates Adobe Flash Player for Iceweasel)
  • Chrome (Popular Google's internet browser)
  • Chromium (Chrome clone to Linux systems)
  • Iceweasel (Updates Iceweasel to latest version)
  • Also gets updates with "apt-get update" and cleans packages on exit.

