Thursday thingies

Nuggets of Gold for the CIPA Journal.  This Kat has learned today that his good friend Tibor Gold is replacing Michael Harrison at the helm of the CIPA Journal, where he will function as Acting Editor.  Good luck, Tibor, it's good to know you're always prepared to answer the call!

Darren, delight and disappointment.  Further to Kat team member Darren's post last Friday on "Yet More on Unified Patent Court Plans -- Delight and Disappointment", here, Darren has now enriched this post by adding, in bright red text, news of a forthcoming webinar on that subject.  If you're a UPC addict, or even if you're not, do check it out!

Sublime? No, sub-sub-sub-optimal!  On the not unrelated theme of the unitary patent, Dr Ingve Björn Stjerna has been turning his powerful intellect to what he calls [with some justification, says Merpel] 'The "sub-sub-suboptimal compromise” of the EU Parliament', this being an article on the Special Meeting of the Legal Affairs Committee on 19 November 2012 which you can contemplate at your leisure here.  

Around the weblogs.  J.Sai Deepak's Indian IP and innovation blog The Demanding Mistress has just treated itself to a hard-to-avoid logo: you can see it for yourself here. Meanwhile, the normally staid and sleepy SOLO IP weblog, which is keenly searching for new volunteers [if you're a solo or small practitioner and think you can blog, email Barbara here and tell her], has posted no fewer than three items this week covering claims-caps in the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court, the attractions of having your IP practice owned by (or even run as) a charity and the prospects of tax relief if you're selling your business premises after installing a new toilet. Finally, if you fancy speculating on the legal protection of a symphonic musical work composed by crowd-sourced apps, take a peep at the 1709 Blog here.

Victoria's not-so-secret. As reported by the excellent Intellectual Property Watch, here, it seems that the talented Victoria Espinel has wasted no time in finding an outlet for her IP-friendly talents.  Victoria takes over as President and CEO of what used to be called the Business Software Alliance -- now renamed the Software Alliance --this coming Tuesday.  This Kat wishes her the best of luck in her new role [Merpel guesses that after spending four years as Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, answerable to the White House, she probably thought it was time she took on a real challenge ...]