Twin Peeks? The Peeks and the Cloppenburgs go head-to-head

"The grounds of the appeal are an alleged misinterpretation of the criterion 'confers ... the right to prohibit the use of a subsequent trade mark' and the concept 'of more than mere local significance'".The IPO adds that this case, which now carries the CJEU's reference number C-325/13 P, can be viewed on its website at -- but this is not in fact the case ["IPO folks, are you reading this?" asks Merpel]. All you get is a link to the Curia's page for the case which, since it hasn't been heard yet, offers no useful information at all. It wouldn't cost much to add a link to the appealed-against decision in Case T-506/11, would it?
Never mind, if you'd like to advise the British government whether to intervene in this contest between Peek & Cloppenburg (Dusseldorf) and Peek & Cloppenburg (Hamburg), you have until next Thursday, 5 September, to do so. Just email Policy here -- and say the IPKat sent you [Merpel remains puzzled by this whole dispute: wouldn't it be more sensible, rather than having Peek & Cloppenburg v Peek & Cloppenburg, to have both the Peeks on one side and both the Cloppenburgs on the other? Then there wouldn't be any problems at all].
Twin Peeks here and here (not for the prudish or the easily-offended; will suit most Australians, especially from Woolloomooloo)
Twin Peaks here and here
Twin Pekes here