[Wi-fEye] Automated Network Testing Tool

Wi-fEye is an automated wirelress penetration testing tool written in python , its designed to simplify common attacks that can be performed on wifi networks so that they can be executed quickly and easily.

Wifi has three main menus :

  1. Cracking menu: contains attacks that could allow us to crack wifi passwords weather is WEP , WPA or WPA2:
    • Enable monitor mode
    • View avalale Wireless Networks
    • Launch Airodump-ng on a specific AP
    • WEP cracking: here you can perform a number of attacks to crack WEP passwords :
      • Interactive packet replay.
      • Fake Authentication Attack.
      • Korek Chopchop Attack.
      • Fragmentation Attack.
      • Hirte Attack (cfrag attack).
      • Wesside-ng.
  2. WPA Cracking: here you can perform a number of attacks to crack WPA passwords , this menu is devided into two sections:
    • launch a brute force attack against a WPS-enabled network to crack WPA/WPA2 without a dictionary.
    • Obtain handshake: This will automatically attempt to obtain the handshake
    • Cracking: After obtaining the handshake or if you have the handshake ready then you can attempt to crack it in this section , you can choose to use you wordlist straight away with aircrack-ng or you can add to a table and then crack the password.
  3. MITM: this menu will allow you to do the following Automatically:
    • Enable IP forwarding.
    • ARP Spoof.
    • Launch ettercap (Text mode).
    • Sniff SSL/HTTPS traffic.
    • Sniff URLs and send them to browser.
    • Sniff images.
    • DNS Spoof.
    • HTTP Session Hijacking (using Hamster).
  4. Others: this menu will allow you to o the following automatically:
    • Change MAC Address.
    • Create a fake access point.
    • Hijack software updates (using Evilgrade).

Platforms supported:

Wi-fEye is written in Python and should run on any UNIX based platform with a Python interpreter, as long as all needed modules and programs have been installed. So far it has been successfully tested on:
  • Linux
  • FreeBSD