How to create and consume webservices in Delphi using HTTP and SOAP protocols?

How to create and consume webservices in Delphi using HTTP and SOAP protocols?

I had to create and consume a webservice in my delphi XE4 application. I searched on the internet and after a lot of search I was able to pick some useful links (texts and video tutuorials) which may be useful to you while creating and consuming a webservice in delphi. I am just sharing those links to you in a sequence I understood them.

If you are new in webservices with delphi, you must start from this tutorial. This tutorial on webservices in delphi is written by Pawel Glowacki on Embarcadero Blogs.

This is the video tutorial on Embarcadero Development Network (EDN). This video tutorial on webservices in delphi is presented by Wecsley Fey - Aquasoft IT. He teaches consuming of webservices in delphi step by step with a simple examples. 

Read this article on consuming web service in delphi after clearing your concepts by reading above links. This link is for delphi 7, but it will give you clear idea on how to implement webservice in any version of delphi.

This link is also very simple for consuming web services in delphi. This site also provides some interesting web services which you can consume for free for testing purposes. You can create a demo delphi application and consume the webservice given on this site to play around.

You will have to sign in to Embarcadero to watch this video tutorial on building and consuming web services in Delphi and Delph Prism.