How to do watermark on image/picture

Intro - A watermark is a visible embedded overlay on a digital photo consisting of text, a logo, or a copyright notice. The purpose of a watermark is to identify the work and discourage its unauthorized use. Though a visible watermark can't prevent unauthorized use, it makes it more difficult for those who may want to claim someone else's photo or art work as their own.

1. Download given Software Click Here

2. After finishing your installation open this application and click on + sign for adding a new template for your personal watermark 
                                                                                (click image for large view)

3.  Write your template name for example I am writing here “Geeky Show1

4. As you can see we have created a new Template “ Geeky Show1” ( I have already created 3 Template for my personal work ignore them). Now Select your created template and Click on Down arrow symbol

5. After Clicking on Down arrow symbol you will see these option simply click on Edit Selected Template

6.  Now You will see this window. There are many option for your image watermark. I have explained which are very useful kindly see the image in large view for more information

7. If you want to change your font style, size etc you need to click on Choose afterthat you will see Font window. Now you can choose your font and size etc thank click OK

8.  If you want to change the text color of your watermark go to Fill Text section and click beside color afterthat you will see a Color window now choose your useful color and click OK

9. You have successfully  Edited your template now add a image for watermark. First of all click on Add File than you will see a window of your Local disk, Kindly choose your images for watermarking and select them, finally click on OK

10. There are some option like if you want to see your output preview before completing your process you can click on Output Preview. If you are satisfied with your output click on Processing for starting the image watermark.

11. We have successfully done watermark on our selected image.

12. If you want to change or choose your output folder click on Preference than click on Browse and select your New location or folder.  
(click image for large view)
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