Top 10 Security Podcasts

Welcome back Hackers and Information Junkies! Below are my favorite infosec podcasts, listed in order from the greatest to the worst, with quick notes on why you may want to listen to each:

PaulDotCom - Hands down the king of infosec podcasts. The PaulDotCom crew takes you through the news, awesome technical hacks, and the culture of hacking each and every week.  They have drinking, interviews, sec news highlights, real world experience and even detailed exposes on hack techniques on their awesome wiki.

Security Now - This classic podcast has been long running and is always top quality.  Few other podcasts have had the tenor, constitution, and character such as that of Security Now.  The hosts are highly technical and effortlessly bring that talent into their security news discussions.  It's entertaining, informative, and a staple in the information security community.

The Risky Business Podcast - This podcast is really bleeding edge. Often discussing Internet changing phenomenon, game changing exploit research and national / global Internet policy.  With some of the best interviews out there, this podcast goes right to the source to discus the hard issues, getting the experts to summarize their research in their own words.  While these guys can move fast and sometimes at a high level, this is a top notch podcast that all skill levels can take something from.

Network Security Podcast - This is a top notch security podcast that talks about the real issues, in depth and technically.  This biweekly podcast stays on the bleeding edge, able to talk about he big security news issues twice a month. They also include articles relating to each topic discussed on the show, providing excellent background information. Bottom line, this is a great and reliable place to get the technical details and current debate on your security news.

The Exotic Liability Podcast - This podcast is culturally straight from a security con, with drinking, rude jokes, and intense security discussion. This podcast is fun, engaging and occasionally intellectual. A podcast that is defiantly NSFW however it captures the hacker culture phenomenally well.

Readings of Bruce Schneier's Crypto-Grams - Don't have time to read Bruce Schneier's monthly Crypto-Gram letters?  Listen to this soothing audio read out of Bruce's monthly news letter to get the insightful and intelligent thoughts streamed directly. This news letter / podcast should be considered a staple in the information security community.

OWASP Podcast - This highly technical podcast is more like a rebroadcast of amazing security lectures.  Ranging from cryptography to web applications, these lectures dive deep into the technical aspects of specific security controls or hacks. The earliest podcasts released from OWASP are less lecture and more interviews with amazing security researchers.  This is a great technical podcast for learning a new technique or security theory.

Cigital's Silver Bullet Podcast - This classic security podcast routinely interviews some of the best and brightest in the infosec field.  From CSOs down to the engineers in the trenches, the interviews span a huge range, but always star genius information security professionals.

The Social Engineer Podcast - This one takes a different spin on things, teaching you the techniques of eliciting information and manipulating people.  This highly specialized security podcast comes out monthly with new tips and tricks.

CSO Online Podcast - This highlevel podcast not only has its finger on the security pulse but it also speaks sense to the business administration side of the house.
