How to Run Armitage on Kali Linux Tutorials

You must be enjoying Kali Linux new feature and tools but without Armitage your hunting would be incomplete and you must be missing Armitage to run over new Kali Linux. In this tutorial you will be taught how to install & run Amritage on Kali Linux? linux

The purpose of this tutorial is to let you avoid the problems that most probably users had while installation. This tutorial also contains the solutions of those errors that you might face during installation. So here we go! Step 1: Write the following command to install Armitage:apt-get install Armitagekali linux and armitage 1Step 2: To run Armitage enter the command: Armitage and fill the required information as shown in the below image.kali linux and armitage 2kali linux and armitage 3Armitage installation is just done in two simple steps and now we will examine those errors that usually occur to most users during Armitage installation on Kali Linux. Error 1: Armiatge could not founderror 1Solution: You need to update your repositories using this command: apt-get updatesolution 1Error 2: Database.yml file didn’t finderror 2Solution: Start the Metasploit service by using this command: service Metasploit startsolution 2Have a great hunting with Armitage on Kali Linux, Good Luck!