Monday miscellany

Around the weblogs. Some people still regard IP blogs as somewhat ephemeral, insubstantial media, the literary equivalent of hot air -- but there's a lot you can achieve with hot air if it's the right sort of hot air and it's properly managed, which is one reason why the IPKat and Merpel are so appreciative of the efforts of their IP blogging brethren. Can there be many fields of application in which blogs have consciously sought to educate, elucidate and generally benefit their readers as has generally been the case with IP blogs from across the world?  In this context this Kat -- always on the lookout for fresh ideas and sources -- has recently been alerted to Bart Van Besien's blog which, as its name suggests, addresses IP issues on the (no-longer-so) new media. Bart, who is currently at Berkeley, has a bright style and is plainly an enthusiast.   Another IP blog to find its way to the Kat's attention is the curiously-named D-is-freshinteresting, masterminded by Brussels-based Thomas DuBuisson: you can check it out here.   Elsewhere, IP Finance welcomes a new blogger in the shape of WiseHarbor's Keith Mallinson, and the SOLO IP blog continues to make strides as it creeps stealthy towards the 200 subscriber mark which once looked so unattainable: kudos to blogmeister Barbara Cookson for persevering with it.

Forthcoming events.  Don't forget to check out the IPKat's Forthcoming Events page. You'll often find interesting conferences, talks and seminars, some of which are free or have special reduced registration rates for IPKat readers. Events run by the IPKat, or featuring members of the IPKat team, are generally listed here, and we do enjoy meeting our readers!

From Tipple to TIPLO ...
It's TIPLO time again. TIPLO -- the Intellectual Property Lawyers Organisation -- is hosting its Autumn event on 16 October with a theme that is as popular as it is controversial: "Is intellectual property theft? Open source v proprietary software". According to the Kat's impeccable sources close to TIPLO's heart,

"For some, the promise of open source software is irresistible: it’s free; it’s built by passionate communities of developers and it facilitates constant innovation. For others, only proprietary software can offer the battle-tested quality and service-level support that businesses require, while at the same time rewarding creators of intellectual property. 
For this event, we bring together two experts to engage in a provocative debate on open-source v proprietary software, in the congenial atmosphere of a TIPLO dinner".

Watchfully chaired by David Wilkinson (Head of IP, Stevens & Bolton LLP), the speakers are Keith Bergelt (Chief Executive Officer, Open Invention Network) and Anthony Finkelstein (Dean of Engineering Sciences & Professor of Software Systems Engineering, University College London). Just click here for more information and to buy your tickets online (cheque or PayPal accepted).

Patent expiry and data exclusivity.  While chasing a reader's inquiry regarding data exclusivity issues, this Kat found himself clicking through to a webpage with the descriptively helpful title "How to Calculate Standard Patent Expiry Dates and Data Exclusivity in Key Territories". Well, if that's what you feel like doing, this is the place where you can jolly well do it.