New version of Ultimate Edition available.

Ultimate Edition 3.6 was released.

"Ultimate Edition 3.6 was built from the ground up bootstrapped from the Ubuntu 12.10 tree. This was the first time I have done this. I have discovered in doing so that it makes for a tighter release as can be seen in the Lite edition. The release boots in under 6 seconds on my PC. Many repositories have been added to increase software availability. The kernel was pulled from the X.Org 'Crack Pushers PPA', version 3.7. Ultimate Edition 3.6 Lite has the very basics and a good ground to build your operating system forward, adding only what you need. Ultamatix has been resurrected from the dead to assist in this matter. Ultamatix's dependancies on older libraries have been stripped and replaced with WebKit (still not fully functional so use at your own risk)."

Ultimate Edition, first released in December 2006, is a fork of Ubuntu and Linux Mint. The goal of the project is to create a complete, seamlessly integrated, visually stimulating, and easy-to-install operating system. Single-button upgrade is one of several special characteristics of this distribution. Other main features include custom desktop and theme with 3D effects, support for a wide range of networking options, including WiFi and Bluetooth, and integration of many extra applications and package repositories.