Welcome Everyone

Welcome Everyone to this Blog
I have created this blog for my new website www.ethicalhacker.freetzi.com or you can visit www.bethicalhacker.us.tf Well I created this site for all the beginners in hacking world and I want tem tounderstand what it is andhow it is and I am providing them with many ebooks and tutorials to help them and I want them to get a clear understand of Ethical hacking I want everyone to understand that Hacking is not only bad it can be used for good reasons also About 90% people finikar with the word Hacker or Hack thinks that its only a bad guy or a crime well I want them to understand that It is sometimes good and can be helpfull Well was it no more in this Post.
Just wanna tell you I will update my website and this blogevery thursday as I have school work throughout the week but I will try my best to post every day and Some times I will post Videos also and you can even request me for tutorials of the topic you want at bethicalhacker@gmail.com
Have a good time and dont forget to visit my website :)