How to remove Dual-Boot

Hello everyone
                            Today I will teach you how to get back to single operating system after dual boot

So first the sceneiro is that Alex uses Windows 7 and wants to learn Linux but he doesnt wants to use virtualbox for some reason so he wants it to be dualboot.
So he installed Kali linux from live cd as a second OS now after some months he understood Linux and now doesnt wants to keep Windows so what will he do now ?

Well if he delets the partition then yeah windows will be removed but what about the space left in the HDD well to get the linux full HDD what should he do ?

(Before you do this please keep a backup of your files )

1. Boot up in you live cd e.g Kali Linux
2. Open Gparted and resize the linux partition but remember It is a RISK so while you resize dont interfere the process or else you will looose alll your files and you will be OS-less .

-Admin (Zakir)
Have a good day