Looking for Long Term Package Maintainer

The admins in SBo have finally cleared away all the CHECKLIST entries and most big changes have been applied to master branch which soon will be branched to 14.1 and that will be used as a base for Slackware 14.1 repository. We can't do this alone. It's all due to big contributions from users in slackbuilds-users mailing list. We thank you for that contributions.

There are some minor problem left and that is non working or abandoned packages by their maintainer which is now residing on to-be-removed branch in GIT. Please have a look and if you see something that you might be interested to maintain and able to provide a patch to make it working, please let us know and we might move it from that branch. If the package is abandoned by the maintainer (you can see from the GIT commit message) and you are willing to maintain it (and hopely using it daily) for long term, please let us know as well.

If we don't hear from you soon, then we will merge that changes to master, which basically will delete those packages in the Slackware 14.1 repository.