GhostBSD 3.5 was released.
"The GhostBSD team is pleased to announce the availability of GhostBSD 3.5 'Levi'. This is the third release from the 3.x series, which improves GhsotBSD 3.1 and introduces some new features. Some of the highlights: OpenSSL has been updated to version 0.9.8y; DTrace hooks have been enabled by default in the GENERIC kernel; DTrace has been updated to version 1.9.0; Sendmail has been updated to version 8.14.7; OpenSSH has been updated to version 6.2p2; GNOME 2.32 has been replace by MATE 1.6; Xfce 4.10 is now part of desktop choice; GhostBSD BSM theme with custom Faenza icon; MATE, Xfce and LXDE contain a more uniform set of software...."
GhostBSD is a user-friendly desktop operating system based on FreeBSD. The project's goal is to create an easy-to-use and familiar workspace that can be used at home or office and for data rescue. GhostBSD supports a number of popular lightweight desktop environments, including MATE, Xfce, LXDE and Openbox. It also provides FreeBSD's package management system, Apache's, LibreOffice, LibreCAD, and Eclipse/Anjuta development environments for C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Jala and Python.