New version of OpenMandriva Lx available.

OpenMandriva Lx 2013.0 was released.

"The OpenMandriva community is proud to announce our first release, OpenMandriva Lx 2013.0. The introduction of OpenMandriva 2013.0 represents a major update from the previous version of Mandriva. This is the first release under the new name, OpenMandriva Lx, and is also the first release under the community of the OpenMandriva Association. With that in mind, here are some of the new features: OpenMandriva Lx features new kernel called NRJ as for energy; KDE 4.11.2 provides a clean, unified desktop for OpenMandriva; this release provides a KDE 4.11 installation featuring ROSA's SimpleWelcome launcher, a winner of the latest contest...."

The OpenMandriva distribution is a full-featured Linux desktop and server, sponsored by the OpenMandriva Association. It is based on ROSA, a Russian Linux distribution project which forked Mandriva Linux in 2012, incorporating many of Mandriva's original tools and utilities and adding in-house enhancements. The goal of OpenMandriva is to facilitate the creation, improvement, promotion and distribution of free and open-source software in general, and OpenMandriva projects in particular.