[Beast-Check] SSL/TLS BEAST Vulnerability Check

A small perl script that checks a target server whether it is prone to BEAST vulnerability via target preferred cipher. It assumes no workaround (i.e. EMPTY FRAGMENT) applied in target server. Some sources said this workaround was disabled by default for compatibility reasons. This may be the reason why RC4 ciphersuite was widely chosen as highest preferred ciphersuite for the primary workaround.

$ ./beast.pl


SSL/TLS BEAST Vulnerability Check
by YGN Ethical Hacker Group, http://yehg.net/


Usage: beast.pl host [port]

port = 443 by default {optional}
$ ./beast.pl www.hotmail.com


SSL/TLS BEAST Vulnerability Check
by YGN Ethical Hacker Group, http://yehg.net/


Target: www.hotmail.com:443

## The target is PRONE to BEAST attack. ##

Protocol: TLS v1
Server Preferred Cipher: AES128-SHA
Vulnerable: YES
$ ./beast.pl www.google.com


SSL/TLS BEAST Vulnerability Check
by YGN Ethical Hacker Group, http://yehg.net/


Target: www.google.com:443

## The target is NOT vulnerable to BEAST attack. ##

Protocol: TLS v1
Server Preferred Cipher: ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA
Vulnerable: NO