BREAKING NEWS: Commission launches public consultation on review of EU copyright

This morning the EU Commission launched its public consultation [which will close on 5 February 2014] on the review of EU copyright rules. 

The consultation follows conclusion of the Licences for Europe exercise [on which see here, herehere, hereand - prior to this - the Communication on Content in the Digital Single Market

According to the press release, this operation is part of Commission's on-going efforts to review and modernise EU copyright rules. 

The consultation touches upon issues of fundamental importance to the future of EU copyright, including: territoriality in the Single Market, harmonisation, limitations and exceptions to copyright in the digital age, fragmentation of the EU copyright market (including whether the EU should go for full harmonisation); and how to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of enforcement while underpinning its legitimacy in the wider context of copyright reform.

This Kat is now reading the document and will be back with a more detailed analysis shortly.