New version of LinuxConsole available.

LinuxConsole 2.0 was released.

"LinuxConsole 2.0 is ready. Features: fast boot; should run on old and new video cards (Intel, NVIDIA, ATI); live CD and live USB; can be installed as a dual-boot system with Windows. Games list: OpenTTD, Tux Paint, 2H4U, BZFlag, Cultivation, ETR, Neverball, XMoto, Frozen Bubble, Danger from the deep, Do'SSi Zo'la, fooBillard, Freecraft, Supertuxkart, Teeworlds. What is new: LinuxConsole is now built from Dibab; the code has been rewritten from scratch; it is very simple to build it, you don't need root access; you can install DEB packages, all binaries are built, but there is great compatibility with the Debian ones. What is inside: BusyBox 1.21.1, Linux kernel 3.12.5, Mesa 9.1.6, X.Org 1.14.3, NetworkManager, LXDE (git release), Firefox 26.0 (with a tool that downloads it from Internet)."

LinuxConsole is an independently developed Linux live CD with different editions designed for desktops, servers, gaming consoles, and old computers. Its primary characteristics are easy installation, extensive choice of software in the form of modules, and excellent hardware detection.