A formula for happiness? Online copyright enforcement and a new IPKat event

Is happiness a state of mind, ponders
Percy, or a state of absence of mind ...?
What is the meaning of life?  This important question greatly preoccupies most of a cat's day, which is why they spend up to eighteen hours out of each twenty-four firmly curled up in what to the outsider looks like sleep but, to any other cat, is the most comfortable position for pondering life's great imponderables. Some Epicurean cats believe that the function of life is the pursuit of happiness.  By sheer coincidence, many humans equate happiness with the pursuit of online copyright infringers while an opposite and probably much larger group of humans equate happiness with not being pursued while they enjoy online access to and consumption of other people's copyright-protected works.

Which view of happiness should prevail?  The IPKat and Merpel are delighted to investigate this question at length in the course of a forthcoming event, kindly hosted by their friends in the London office of law firm Bristows LLP. The details of this event, for which space is inevitably limited, are as follows
Online copyright + enforcement = happiness?  

An IPKat event 
Venue: Bristows LLP1 April 2014 

Chairman’s introduction (Jeremy Phillips)      

Latest developments in online copyright enforcement

Blocking injunctions: the weapon of choice in the UK: Darren Meale 
Life (and death) of HADOPI in France? Asim Singh 
The AGCOM Regulation in Italy: Nessun dorma: Alberto Bellan 
Questions and answers                                              

Coffee break

The role of ISPs

How Google fights piracy: Simon Morrison  
16:05-16:25        ISP liability through interference in Germany: Birgit Clark 
Graduated response: what role do private agreements play? Tom Ohta

Further questions and answers      

The UK Copyright Hub: Serena Tierney

A chance for a couple more questions and answers

Coffee break

Barrierless and in transition: is this the future?

How to set a global enforcement strategy: Lisa Peets and a colleague from her In-House Internet Investigator Team (TBA) 
Copyright enforcement in the EU: review plans in the shade of CJEU blooming activism: Eleonora Rosati

Last chance to ask any questions, followed by Chairman’s conclusions
You can reserve your place through Eventbrite by clicking here. Admission, in keeping with long-standing Kat tradition, is free. We will be tweeting about this event under the hashtag #HappyKat. 

We look forward to advising you soon as to how many CPD points will be awarded for this programme.