Hackers to use mobiles to mount DDoS attacks

Mobile devices are reportedly being used for mounting attacks on businesses by Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attackers.

Prolexic Technologies' president Stuart Scholly said that in 2014, applications commonly used in DDoS attacks like Low Orbit Ion Canon (LOIC) will increasingly become ported to mobile platforms.

The company also detected the use of AnDOSid, an Android app that can mount an HTTP POST flood attack, PC World reported

With easy availability of downloadable apps and open option for users to join DDoS campaigns, the increase in number of DDos attacks is said to be a game changer.

A 2013 report released by an American-based DDoS protection firm suggested that mobile phones will continue to play a prominent role in DDoS attacks, targeting still infrastructure.

According to the report, DDoS attacks on Prolexic clients in 2013 increased by 26% over the preceeding year and attacks on still infrastructure amounted to 76% of total recorded attacks, with the largest attack surpassing 179Gbps.