Halls Of Valhalla

Halls-of-Valhalla.org is an excellent free info-sec education site. I want to highlight some of its key education and training features, and urge padawan web hackers to take full advantage of free material before moving to more advanced, often costly, info-sec training.

Valhalla offers a variety of training tools including an aggregated security RSS news feed, security and programming educational articles, sample code programs (such as buffer overflows and/or RSS readers), full disclosures, and even their own private pastebin!

The number one reason I am urging you to play with Halls of Valhalla is their web challenges. These simple, CTF-like challenges are a good way to keep sharp or just flex your brain. Their forums actively discuss the challenges, meaning help is out there, and you can also submit your own if you find them too easy. Compete against the other members on the charts, or move on to their affiliate training sites, such as Reversing.kr or WeChall.

Be excellent to one another and hack on!