How to Add Facebook Reply Button on Facebook Profile

1- Interesting right? To do this, you must have the latest version of Google Chrome

2- Next, you need to install these extension on your Google Chrome

  1.     Manual Geolocation 
  2.     Ultimate User Agent Switcher

3- After you had installed these 2 things, click on Manual Geolocation extension icon near the navigation bar.

Click enable, and search for New Zealand

4- Now, you have to activate Ultimate User Agent Switcher. Click on the icon and tick on Activate Now!

5- Once you have activate, go to and click on Check In icon

6- When you clicked check in, it will search for the locations near the New Zealand. Simply choose any place and change the post privacy to ONLY ME. Try to update a status.

6- Now, in a new tab, go to your Facebook, change the post privacy to public and try to update a status and see the magic.

Still can't understand? Watch this video now!