Israel Project Website Hacked and defaced by AnonGhost

The Israel Project website has been defaced by AnonGhost

AnonGhost has hacked The Israel Project website, they have left the website defaced as you can view here. AnonGhost has actively been hacking Israeli websites for the last years. The AnonGhost team emerged from the TeamPoison hacking crew that has been disbanded.

What is TIP

Founded in 2003, The Israel Project (TIP) is a non-partisan American educational organization dedicated to informing the media and public conversation about Israel and the Middle East.

A one-stop source for detailed and accurate information, TIP provides facts to press, policy makers and the public on issues affecting Israel and the Middle East, the Jewish people and America’s interests in the Middle East.

TIP does not lobby and is not connected to any government. TIP informs, providing facts, access to experts and keen analysis. It offers real-time background information, images, maps, audio, video, graphics and direct access to newsmakers. TIP organizes press briefings and speaker tours, conference calls and educational trips, supports non-profit journalism, conducts public affairs research and adheres to the highest possible standards of accuracy and reliability.

Working in multiple languages, the TIP team collectively has decades of experience in media, government, policy institutes, research, academia and the military.

TIP has an extensive Arabic media program. More than 1.2 million Arabic-speaking social media subscribers already follow content on TIP Arabic’s Facebook page Israel Uncensored.