New version of Simplicity Linux available.

Simplicity Linux 14.1 was released.

"We're proud to announce the release of Simplicity Linux 14.1. It is based on 'Slacko' Puppy 5.6 but it replaces JWM with LXDE and has Firefox ESR 24.0 as the default browser with the Cocoon proxy added. If you are worried about your privacy, sign up for an account, otherwise it does nothing, and is completely optional. It's something we personally use, and have found really useful, so we thought we would bundle it. Desktop 14.1 is our fullest featured release to date. You get Skype, LibreOffice, Java, Flash, MPlayer, Firefox, OnLive, WINE and other software preinstalled. If you are after a full-featured version of Simplicity Linux, this is the version you will want to download."

Simplicity Linux is a Puppy Linux derivative with LXDE as the default desktop environment. It comes in four editions: Obsidian, Netbook, Desktop and Media. The Netbook edition features cloud-based software, the Desktop flavour offers a collection of general-purpose software, and the Media variant is designed to provide "lounge" PC users with easy access to their media.