"Pentester Night School" Review

Hey All, I recently paid for Joe McCray's Pentester Night School and I was shocked at how the class played out.  My initial experience was bad, when I logged into the first lesson and the presenter never joined. Second lesson was mostly focused on connecting to the VPN, and network scanning. Third lesson Joe showed up 30-40 minutes late, then ended it short another 30 minutes in. Fourth and fifth lessons were cancled with almost no notification, except an email with one sentence 10 minutes before the start (and keep in mind, these are schedualed three hour lessons, so most students really plan it into their day). Finally, with the sixith lesson, Joe just cancled the entire course, enrolling us all in a similar course in March. I also noticed the links to the material were dated 2010 and reused. The lesson was also extremely slow paced, not congruent with the class description (never mentions recon, yet that was the focus of the whole first lesson; similarly, we hardly touched the topics in the description), and some of the lessons were even copied from other sources. Further, it was extremely tough to contact Joe during the first lesson outage, with him only replying publicly over Twitter.  Here are some recorded intros, for those who want to see what I'm talking about.  All in all, not worth the $$ when there are so many other resources out there for free. Don't get me wrong, I think Joe McCray has some outstanding presentations out there, but I don't think the class I received is worth the money I paid. Long story short, some training lessons aren't even worth the time the student puts in and others are invaluable hidden gems, this is one of the former. Joe said he was going to enroll the entire class in another one of his classes in March, as compensation for canceling the entire class, although no refund was issued.  Edit: Apparently this was just lip service, I never received a refund or enrollment into any follow up classes, despite sending him several messages, via email, twitter and even facebook. He never replied.