
Steganography or Sometimes Call Cryptography simply means to hide a txt file or any message to behind a Image. Its a really cool thing :p . Image you want to send a message someone something important but in a secret way for some reasons. So you can hide the message behind a Image e.g image.jpg and if your friend know the same trick or uses the tool to extract the message.

Today I will tell you how to hide a txt file behind a image but in Linux (Soon will make one for Windows)....( In this tutorial I am using Kali Linux )...

(There is a video at the end of text of this tutorial. Watch it for better understand)..

Tools Needed  

                     to install it type in terminal   apt-get install steghide   

How to Hide a Txt File In a Image

remember one thing first go the the directory   cd [path]

type this command in terminal
steghide embed -cf enter_the_pic_name.jpg -ef enter_the_text_file_name.txt

in this case I will hide a txt fine name secret.txt in a image name ironman.jpg
I will type the following command 
                                 steghide embed -cf ironman.jpg -ef secret.txt
then it will ask for passphrase (password for security) the again re-enter passphrase and donee.

Now I will tell you how to extract the message  

To extract the txt file we have to type
steghide extract -sf enter_the_image_file_name.jpg
in my case I have to type
                                         steghide extract -sf ironman.jpg
now it will ask us for passphrase (password we entered while adding both files) enter the password and done....


Hope you Liked the Tutorial :)
Have a Good Day