500+ India Website(Including Government Sites) Hacked By Team MaXiMiZerS, Pakistani Hackers

500+ India Website Hacked By Team MaXiMiZerS, Pakistani Hackers. Hack includes Kerala Government 3 Domains.

Today(5 Feb 2014) was public holiday in Pakistan as Kashmir Day. Today most of Pakistani Hacktivists group attack on Indian Cyber Space to deliver message for the freedom of Kashmir. Its very rare moment to see all Pakistani Hackers working together for same reason. All Indian sites display message “Free Kashmir .. Freedom is our goal, End the Occupation” on their Index pages.

Deface Page Say's:
"Hacked By Team MaXiMiZerS

What we Ask From India All the time is the only Kashmir , 
Most of the times we dnt act like that but this is the only way left . 
Why indian army is killing innocent's in kashmir ? 
We Just Ask you these simple Question's and the indian gov got no answer's..... why ? 
This is the only way left to protest for us 
For what you are scared of ? India will loose the beauty of kashmir ? 
how many muslim brother's being killed on daily basis did u ever thought ? 
a 16 year's girl raped and killed a boy shot in the head for what ? because they are protesters ? 
All we ask is just the Answer of these Questions Nothing Personal ... 
you will pay for these sins one day

.::We Are::. 
The Rude -- Rox RoOT -- Kai HaxOr -- HaxOr coOl bOY-- sh3ll-h4xor -- -- Waledac Oxana -- -- Dr Silent Pak -- SmArtY kOp HaXOr-- And All Muslim Hackers"

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