[Azazel] Userland Anti-debugging & Anti-detection Rootkit

Azazel is a userland rootkit based off of the original LD_PRELOAD technique from Jynx rootkit. It is more robust and has additional features, and focuses heavily around anti-debugging and anti-detection.

  • Anti-debugging
  • Avoids unhide, lsof, ps, ldd detection
  • Hides files and directories
  • Hides remote connections
  • Hides processes
  • Hides logins
  • PCAP hooks avoid local sniffing
  • Two accept backdoors with full PTY shells.
    • Crypthook encrypted accept() backdoor
    • Plaintext accept() backdoor
  • PAM backdoor for local privesc and remote entry
  • Log cleanup for utmp/wtmp entries based on pty
  • Uses xor to obfuscate static strings
As with anything of this nature, it’s recommended you check the source-code/run it in a safe environment etc. But if I have to emphasise stuff like that, this is probably the wrong site for you.