bb in Kali Linux
Bb is a high quality audio-visual demonstration for your text terminal.
1. How to Install bb – Open terminal, type apt-get install bb and Press Enter.
(Click image for large view)
2. Open bb with Help Commands
Syntax - /usr/games/bb -h
Syntax - /usr/games/bb -h
3. This command is used to start bb. After running the command choose ‘y’ if you want music. Turn ON your Speakers.
Syntax - /usr/games/bb
Syntax - /usr/games/bb
3A. If you logged in as an user (not root) then command syntax will be change.
Syntax : hell@MrQuiety:/root$ bb
Syntax : hell@MrQuiety:/root$ bb
4. If you want to change anything then just Press the given number according to their description. After that Press 8 for continue.
5. Watch and Enjoy….
(Click image for large view)
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