How to Delete Gmail Account

Sometime we need to delete Gmail account and every person has their own reason behind this decision. We want to also tell your think once again about deleting your gmail. After deleting gmail account you will lose your all access, data and email etc. So, This is really a big decision. Now come to the point “How to Delete Gmail Account”

1. Write you Gmail ID which you want to delete as well write your Gmail ID's Password and Click on Sign In.
(Click Image for large view)

2. If you have slow Internet connection and you want to access your gmail account faster then Click on Basic HTML. Sure It will not give you new look of gmail but its very handy for slow net connection users.

3. As you will see you have successfully logged In. Now Click on Account.

4. If required it may ask you to write our password again for security reason. If it ask then write your password and click on Sign In. In my case it didn't ask and it simply switch to my personal info Tab. In this Tab Click on Data Tools.

5. Click on Delete account and data 

6. Read the paragraph carefully and check the boxes which things you want to delete again check box for confirmation and finally click on DELETE GOOGLE ACCOUNT

7. Soon you will get a successful message in your screen.
(Click Image for large view)
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