JS Beautifier
There are various tools to help you clean up JavaScript and make it more readable when doing analysis. including the Linux program js-beautify, but there's also a great site called, appropriately enough, jsbeautifier.org. Paste in your code, choose your options, including whether or not you want to detect packers and obfuscators and hit Ctrl-enter or click the link. Here's some code I pulled from Wireshark..
eAt(d);128>c?b+=String.fromCharCode(c):(127c?b+=String.fromCharCode(c>>6|192):(b+=String.fromCharCode(c>>12|224),b+=String.fromCharCode(c>>6&63|128)),b+=String.fromCharCode(c&63|128))}return b}(a);f=function(a){var b,
c=a.length;b=c+8;for(var d=16*((b-b%64)/64+1),e=Array(d-1),f=0,g=0;g>>29;return e}(a);d=1732584193;c=4023233417;b=2562383102;e=271733878;for(a=0;a6],17,2821735955),c=k(c,b,e,d,f[a+7],22,4249261313),d=k(d,c,b,e,f[a+8],7,1770035416),e=k(e,d,c,b,f[a+9],12,2336552879),b=k(b,e,d,c,f[a+10],17,4294925233),c=k(c,b,e,d,f[a+11],22,2304563134),d=k(d,c,b,e,f[a+12],7,1804603682),e=k(e,d,c,b,f[a+13],12,4254626195),b=k(b,e,d,c,f[a+14],17,2792965006),c=k(c,b,e,d,f[a+15],22,1236535329),d=h(d,c,b,e,f[a+1],5,4129170786),e=h(e,d,c,b,f[a+6],9,3225465664),b=h(b,e,d,c,f[a+11],14,643717713),c=h(c,b,e,d,f[a+0],20,3921069994),d=h(d,c,b,e,f[a+5],5,3593408605),e=h(e,
t(e)).toLowerCase()}function Q(a,g,k){var h="";k&&(h=new Date,h.setTime(h.getTime()+864E5*k),h="; expires\x3d"+h.toGMTString());u.cookie=a+"\x3d"+g+h+"; path\x3d/"}function R(a){a+="\x3d";for(var g=u.cookie.split(";"),k=0;kg,function(){return k.call(a,m.event)})}function D(){var a=(new Date).getTime();return"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g,function(g){var k=(a+16*F.random())%16|0;a=F.floor(a/16);return("x"==g?k:k&7|8).toString(16)})}function S(){return F.max(r.scrollHeight||0,w.scrollHeight||0,r.offsetHeight||0,w.offsetHeight||0,r.clientHeight||0,w.clientHeight||0)}function aa(){var a=u&&u.scrollTop||r&&r.scrollTop||0;a>N&&(N=a);a=100*(((u&&u.scrollTop||r&&r.scrollTop||0)+(m.innerHeight||w.clientHeight||
r.clientHeight||0))/S());a>O&&(O=F.floor(a))}function T(){I&&(P+=1*new Date-I,I=!1)}function ba(){H(m,"blur",function(){T()});H(m,"focus",function(){I=1*new Date})}function ca(){for(var a=2;10>a;a++)try{if(x("PDF.PdfCtrl."+a))return"Adobe Acrobat version"+a+".?"}catch(g){}try{if(x("PDF.PdfCtrl.1"))return"Adobe Acrobat version 4.?"}catch(k){}try{if(x("AcroPDF.PDF.1"))return"Adobe Acrobat version 7.?"}catch(h){}return""}function da(){try{var a=x("AgControl.AgControl");if(!a)return"";try{return J("AgControl.AgControl",
a.c("$version"))}catch(g){try{return J("AgControl.AgControl",a.g())}catch(k){try{for(var h,l=1;9>l;l++)a.k(l+".0")&&(h=l);return"AgControl.AgControl "+(h||"-1")}catch(n){return"AgControl.AgControl -1"}}}}catch(m){return""}}function J(a,g){return a+" "+g}function x(a){return new m.ActiveXObject(a)}function ea(){if(G.a)for(var a in G.a)fa(a,G.a[a])}function fa(a,g){m.setTimeout(function(){m[A]("send",a)},g)}function ga(a,g){if(!B)throw"Petametrics.send called before Petametrics.init";var k=new Image,
h="//api.petametrics.com/__activity.gif?ts\x3d"+encodeURIComponent((new Date).getTime())+"\x26jsk\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(B)+"\x26e\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(a)+"\x26uid\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(K)+"\x26sid\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(L)+"\x26pvid\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(U)+"\x26dc\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(u.cookie)+"\x26tzo\x3d"+encodeURIComponent((new Date).getTimezoneOffset())+"\x26ua\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(E.userAgent)+"\x26l\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(E.language)+"\x26os\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(E.platform)+
"\x26scd\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(M.colorDepth)+"\x26scrh\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(M.height)+"\x26scrw\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(M.width)+"\x26cu\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(m.location.href)+"\x26ref\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(u.referrer)+"\x26sppx\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(N)+"\x26sppc\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(O)+"\x26dh\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(S())+"\x26jsv\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(ha)+"\x26rs\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(F.random().toString(36).substr(2,16))+"\x26plh\x3d",l=encodeURIComponent,n=Z,t="";if(E.plugins){for(var f=
E.plugins,q=[],p=0;pe.c("$version"))}catch(A){b=""}b=s+b;var z;try{var v=x("SWCtl.SWCtl");z=!v?"":J("SWCtl.SWCtl",v.i(""))}catch(G){z=""}z=b+z;v=["rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control","rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control.1","RealPlayer.RealPlayer(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)","RealVideo.RealVideo(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)","RealPlayer"];e=b=C;for(s=0;sh+l(n(t)),y;for(y in V)h+="\x26"+y+"\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(V[y]);for(var D in g)h+="\x26"+D+"\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(g[D]);k.src=h}function W(a){a=Array.prototype.slice.call(a);switch(a[0]){case "init":ia.apply({},a.slice(1));break;case "send":ga.apply({},a.slice(1))}}function ia(a,g){if(B)throw"Petametrics.init called more than once.";B=a;H(m,"scroll",aa);H(m,"unload",function(){T();m[A]("send","exit",{viewingDuration:P/1E3})});$(g);K=R(X);K||(K=D(),Q(X,K,365));L=R(Y);L||(L=D(),Q(Y,L));U=D();
ea();ba();B in y&&"undefined"!=typeof y[B].b&&y[B].b()}var A=m.$petametricsVar,B=C,ha="0.2.3",X="__pmp",Y="__pmt",K=C,L=C,U=C,V={},G={a:{stuck_10s:1E4,stuck_3m:18E4}},r=u.body,w=u.documentElement,N=0,O=0,P=0,I=m[A].l,ja=function(){return{j:function(a){a=escape(a);var g="",k,h,l="",n,m,f="",q=0;do k=a.charCodeAt(q++),h=a.charCodeAt(q++),l=a.charCodeAt(q++),n=k>>2,k=(k&3)<<4 h="">>4,m=(h&15)<<2 l="">>6,f=l&63,isNaN(h)?m=f=64:isNaN(l)&&(f=64),g=g+"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(n)+2>4>
"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(k)+"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(m)+"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(f);while(qh="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)),n="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)),m="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)),k=k<<2 h="">>4,h=(h&15)<<4 n="">>2,l=(n&3)<<6 a.length="" amp="" f9jdao1edm5dkqi="" f="" g="" h="" k="" l="" m="" n="" p="" return="" tring.fromcharcode="" unescape="" while="" y="{};(function(a,g){y[a]=g})(">{e:/\/q\/([A-Za-z0-9=]{0,})\?/,b:function(){var a=this.e.exec(m.location);1>=a.length||(a=ja.d(a[1]),m[A]("send","item_shown",{item_details:a}))}});(function(){var a=m[A].q||[];m[A]=function(){W(argument
128 > c ? b += String.fromCharCode(c) : (127 < c && 2048 > c ? b += String.fromCharCode(c >> 6 | 192) : (b += String.fromCharCode(c >> 12 | 224), b += String.fromCharCode(c >> 6 & 63 | 128)), b += String.fromCharCode(c & 63 | 128))
return b
f = function (a) {
var b,
c = a.length;
b = c + 8;
for (var d = 16 * ((b - b % 64) / 64 + 1), e = Array(d - 1), f = 0, g = 0; g < c;) b = (g - g % 4) / 4, f = 8 * (g % 4), e[b] |= a.charCodeAt(g) << f, g++;
b = (g - g % 4) / 4;
e[b] |= 128 << 8 * (g % 4);
e[d - 2] = c << 3;
e[d - 1] = c >>> 29;
return e
d = 1732584193;
c = 4023233417;
b = 2562383102;
e = 271733878;
for (a = 0; a < f.length; a += 16) q = d, p = c, m = b, s = e, d = k(d, c, b, e, f[a + 0], 7, 3614090360), e = k(e, d, c, b, f[a + 1], 12, 3905402710), b = k(b, e, d, c, f[a + 2], 17, 606105819), c = k(c, b, e, d, f[a + 3], 22, 3250441966), d = k(d, c, b, e, f[a + 4], 7, 4118548399), e = k(e, d, c, b, f[a + 5], 12, 1200080426), b = k(b, e, d, c, f[a +
6], 17, 2821735955), c = k(c, b, e, d, f[a + 7], 22, 4249261313), d = k(d, c, b, e, f[a + 8], 7, 1770035416), e = k(e, d, c, b, f[a + 9], 12, 2336552879), b = k(b, e, d, c, f[a + 10], 17, 4294925233), c = k(c, b, e, d, f[a + 11], 22, 2304563134), d = k(d, c, b, e, f[a + 12], 7, 1804603682), e = k(e, d, c, b, f[a + 13], 12, 4254626195), b = k(b, e, d, c, f[a + 14], 17, 2792965006), c = k(c, b, e, d, f[a + 15], 22, 1236535329), d = h(d, c, b, e, f[a + 1], 5, 4129170786), e = h(e, d, c, b, f[a + 6], 9, 3225465664), b = h(b, e, d, c, f[a + 11], 14, 643717713), c = h(c, b, e, d, f[a + 0], 20, 3921069994), d = h(d, c, b, e, f[a + 5], 5, 3593408605), e = h(e,
d, c, b, f[a + 10], 9, 38016083), b = h(b, e, d, c, f[a + 15], 14, 3634488961), c = h(c, b, e, d, f[a + 4], 20, 3889429448), d = h(d, c, b, e, f[a + 9], 5, 568446438), e = h(e, d, c, b, f[a + 14], 9, 3275163606), b = h(b, e, d, c, f[a + 3], 14, 4107603335), c = h(c, b, e, d, f[a + 8], 20, 1163531501), d = h(d, c, b, e, f[a + 13], 5, 2850285829), e = h(e, d, c, b, f[a + 2], 9, 4243563512), b = h(b, e, d, c, f[a + 7], 14, 1735328473), c = h(c, b, e, d, f[a + 12], 20, 2368359562), d = l(d, c, b, e, f[a + 5], 4, 4294588738), e = l(e, d, c, b, f[a + 8], 11, 2272392833), b = l(b, e, d, c, f[a + 11], 16, 1839030562), c = l(c, b, e, d, f[a + 14], 23, 4259657740),
d = l(d, c, b, e, f[a + 1], 4, 2763975236), e = l(e, d, c, b, f[a + 4], 11, 1272893353), b = l(b, e, d, c, f[a + 7], 16, 4139469664), c = l(c, b, e, d, f[a + 10], 23, 3200236656), d = l(d, c, b, e, f[a + 13], 4, 681279174), e = l(e, d, c, b, f[a + 0], 11, 3936430074), b = l(b, e, d, c, f[a + 3], 16, 3572445317), c = l(c, b, e, d, f[a + 6], 23, 76029189), d = l(d, c, b, e, f[a + 9], 4, 3654602809), e = l(e, d, c, b, f[a + 12], 11, 3873151461), b = l(b, e, d, c, f[a + 15], 16, 530742520), c = l(c, b, e, d, f[a + 2], 23, 3299628645), d = n(d, c, b, e, f[a + 0], 6, 4096336452), e = n(e, d, c, b, f[a + 7], 10, 1126891415), b = n(b, e, d, c, f[a + 14], 15, 2878612391),
c = n(c, b, e, d, f[a + 5], 21, 4237533241), d = n(d, c, b, e, f[a + 12], 6, 1700485571), e = n(e, d, c, b, f[a + 3], 10, 2399980690), b = n(b, e, d, c, f[a + 10], 15, 4293915773), c = n(c, b, e, d, f[a + 1], 21, 2240044497), d = n(d, c, b, e, f[a + 8], 6, 1873313359), e = n(e, d, c, b, f[a + 15], 10, 4264355552), b = n(b, e, d, c, f[a + 6], 15, 2734768916), c = n(c, b, e, d, f[a + 13], 21, 1309151649), d = n(d, c, b, e, f[a + 4], 6, 4149444226), e = n(e, d, c, b, f[a + 11], 10, 3174756917), b = n(b, e, d, c, f[a + 2], 15, 718787259), c = n(c, b, e, d, f[a + 9], 21, 3951481745), d = g(d, q), c = g(c, p), b = g(b, m), e = g(e, s);
return (t(d) + t(c) + t(b) +
function Q(a, g, k) {
var h = "";
k && (h = new Date, h.setTime(h.getTime() + 864E5 * k), h = "; expires\x3d" + h.toGMTString());
u.cookie = a + "\x3d" + g + h + "; path\x3d/"
function R(a) {
a += "\x3d";
for (var g = u.cookie.split(";"), k = 0; k < g.length; k++) {
for (var h = g[k];
" " == h.charAt(0);) h = h.substring(1, h.length);
if (0 === h.indexOf(a)) return h.substring(a.length, h.length)
return C
function $(a) {
for (var g in a) a.hasOwnProperty(g) && (G[g] = a[g])
function H(a, g, k) {
a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(g, k, !1) : a.attachEvent("on" +
g, function () {
return k.call(a, m.event)
function D() {
var a = (new Date).getTime();
return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function (g) {
var k = (a + 16 * F.random()) % 16 | 0;
a = F.floor(a / 16);
return ("x" == g ? k : k & 7 | 8).toString(16)
function S() {
return F.max(r.scrollHeight || 0, w.scrollHeight || 0, r.offsetHeight || 0, w.offsetHeight || 0, r.clientHeight || 0, w.clientHeight || 0)
function aa() {
var a = u && u.scrollTop || r && r.scrollTop || 0;
a > N && (N = a);
a = 100 * (((u && u.scrollTop || r && r.scrollTop || 0) + (m.innerHeight || w.clientHeight ||
r.clientHeight || 0)) / S());
a > O && (O = F.floor(a))
function T() {
I && (P += 1 * new Date - I, I = !1)
function ba() {
H(m, "blur", function () {
H(m, "focus", function () {
I = 1 * new Date
function ca() {
for (var a = 2; 10 > a; a++) try {
if (x("PDF.PdfCtrl." + a)) return "Adobe Acrobat version" + a + ".?"
} catch (g) {}
try {
if (x("PDF.PdfCtrl.1")) return "Adobe Acrobat version 4.?"
} catch (k) {}
try {
if (x("AcroPDF.PDF.1")) return "Adobe Acrobat version 7.?"
} catch (h) {}
return ""
function da() {
try {
var a = x("AgControl.AgControl");
if (!a) return "";
try {
return J("AgControl.AgControl",
} catch (g) {
try {
return J("AgControl.AgControl", a.g())
} catch (k) {
try {
for (var h, l = 1; 9 > l; l++) a.k(l + ".0") && (h = l);
return "AgControl.AgControl " + (h || "-1")
} catch (n) {
return "AgControl.AgControl -1"
} catch (m) {
return ""
function J(a, g) {
return a + " " + g
function x(a) {
return new m.ActiveXObject(a)
function ea() {
if (G.a)
for (var a in G.a) fa(a, G.a[a])
function fa(a, g) {
m.setTimeout(function () {
m[A]("send", a)
}, g)
function ga(a, g) {
if (!B) throw "Petametrics.send called before Petametrics.init";
var k = new Image,
h = "//api.petametrics.com/__activity.gif?ts\x3d" + encodeURIComponent((new Date).getTime()) + "\x26jsk\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(B) + "\x26e\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(a) + "\x26uid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(K) + "\x26sid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(L) + "\x26pvid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(U) + "\x26dc\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(u.cookie) + "\x26tzo\x3d" + encodeURIComponent((new Date).getTimezoneOffset()) + "\x26ua\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(E.userAgent) + "\x26l\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(E.language) + "\x26os\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(E.platform) +
"\x26scd\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(M.colorDepth) + "\x26scrh\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(M.height) + "\x26scrw\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(M.width) + "\x26cu\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(m.location.href) + "\x26ref\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(u.referrer) + "\x26sppx\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(N) + "\x26sppc\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(O) + "\x26dh\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(S()) + "\x26jsv\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(ha) + "\x26rs\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(F.random().toString(36).substr(2, 16)) + "\x26plh\x3d",
l = encodeURIComponent,
n = Z,
t = "";
if (E.plugins) {
for (var f =
E.plugins, q = [], p = 0; p < f.length; p++) {
q[p] = f[p].name + "; ";
q[p] += f[p].description + "; ";
q[p] += f[p].filename + ";";
for (var r = 0; r < f[p].length; r++) q[p] += " (" + f[p][r].description + "; " + f[p][r].type + "; " + f[p][r].suffixes + ")";
q[p] += ". "
for (p = 0; p < f.length; p++) t += "Plugin " + p + ": " + q[p]
if ("" === t && m.ActiveXObject) {
var f = ca(),
try {
var d = x("WMPlayer.OCX");
s = !d ? "" : "WMPlayer.OCX " + d.m
} catch (c) {
s = ""
s = f + s;
var b;
try {
var e = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");
b = !e ? "" : J("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash",
} catch (A) {
b = ""
b = s + b;
var z;
try {
var v = x("SWCtl.SWCtl");
z = !v ? "" : J("SWCtl.SWCtl", v.i(""))
} catch (G) {
z = ""
z = b + z;
v = ["rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control", "rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control.1", "RealPlayer.RealPlayer(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)", "RealVideo.RealVideo(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)", "RealPlayer"];
e = b = C;
for (s = 0; s < v.length; s++) {
try {
e = v[s], b = x(v[s])
} catch (H) {
if (b) break
v = !b ? "" : J(e, b.f());
z += v;
var w;
try {
w = "QuickTime.QuickTime " + x("QuickTime.QuickTime").h
} catch (I) {
w = ""
t += z + w + da()
var h =
h + l(n(t)),
for (y in V) h += "\x26" + y + "\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(V[y]);
for (var D in g) h += "\x26" + D + "\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(g[D]);
k.src = h
function W(a) {
a = Array.prototype.slice.call(a);
switch (a[0]) {
case "init":
ia.apply({}, a.slice(1));
case "send":
ga.apply({}, a.slice(1))
function ia(a, g) {
if (B) throw "Petametrics.init called more than once.";
B = a;
H(m, "scroll", aa);
H(m, "unload", function () {
m[A]("send", "exit", {
viewingDuration: P / 1E3
K = R(X);
K || (K = D(), Q(X, K, 365));
L = R(Y);
L || (L = D(), Q(Y, L));
U = D();
B in y && "undefined" != typeof y[B].b && y[B].b()
var A = m.$petametricsVar,
B = C,
ha = "0.2.3",
X = "__pmp",
Y = "__pmt",
K = C,
L = C,
U = C,
V = {}, G = {
a: {
stuck_10s: 1E4,
stuck_3m: 18E4
}, r = u.body,
w = u.documentElement,
N = 0,
O = 0,
P = 0,
I = m[A].l,
ja = function () {
return {
j: function (a) {
a = escape(a);
var g = "",
k, h, l = "",
n, m, f = "",
q = 0;
do k = a.charCodeAt(q++), h = a.charCodeAt(q++), l = a.charCodeAt(q++), n = k >> 2, k = (k & 3) << 4 | h >> 4, m = (h & 15) << 2 | l >> 6, f = l & 63, isNaN(h) ? m = f = 64 : isNaN(l) && (f = 64), g = g + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(n) +
"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(k) + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(m) + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(f); while (q < a.length);
return g
d: function (a) {
var g = "",
k, h, l = "",
n, m = "",
f = 0;
if (/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g.exec(a)) return "error parsing b64: invalid chars";
a = a.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
do k = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)),
h = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)), n = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)), m = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)), k = k << 2 | h >> 4, h = (h & 15) << 4 | n >> 2, l = (n & 3) << 6 | m, g += String.fromCharCode(k), 64 != n && (g += String.fromCharCode(h)), 64 != m && (g += String.fromCharCode(l));
while (f < a.length);
return unescape(g)
y = {};
(function (a, g) {
y[a] = g
})("f9jdao1edm5dkqi", {
e: /\/q\/([A-Za-z0-9=]{0,})\?/,
b: function () {
var a = this.e.exec(m.location);
1 >= a.length || (a = ja.d(a[1]), m[A]("send", "item_shown", {
item_details: a
(function () {
var a = m[A].q || [];
m[A] = function () {
c=a.length;b=c+8;for(var d=16*((b-b%64)/64+1),e=Array(d-1),f=0,g=0;g
t(e)).toLowerCase()}function Q(a,g,k){var h="";k&&(h=new Date,h.setTime(h.getTime()+864E5*k),h="; expires\x3d"+h.toGMTString());u.cookie=a+"\x3d"+g+h+"; path\x3d/"}function R(a){a+="\x3d";for(var g=u.cookie.split(";"),k=0;k
r.clientHeight||0))/S());a>O&&(O=F.floor(a))}function T(){I&&(P+=1*new Date-I,I=!1)}function ba(){H(m,"blur",function(){T()});H(m,"focus",function(){I=1*new Date})}function ca(){for(var a=2;10>a;a++)try{if(x("PDF.PdfCtrl."+a))return"Adobe Acrobat version"+a+".?"}catch(g){}try{if(x("PDF.PdfCtrl.1"))return"Adobe Acrobat version 4.?"}catch(k){}try{if(x("AcroPDF.PDF.1"))return"Adobe Acrobat version 7.?"}catch(h){}return""}function da(){try{var a=x("AgControl.AgControl");if(!a)return"";try{return J("AgControl.AgControl",
a.c("$version"))}catch(g){try{return J("AgControl.AgControl",a.g())}catch(k){try{for(var h,l=1;9>l;l++)a.k(l+".0")&&(h=l);return"AgControl.AgControl "+(h||"-1")}catch(n){return"AgControl.AgControl -1"}}}}catch(m){return""}}function J(a,g){return a+" "+g}function x(a){return new m.ActiveXObject(a)}function ea(){if(G.a)for(var a in G.a)fa(a,G.a[a])}function fa(a,g){m.setTimeout(function(){m[A]("send",a)},g)}function ga(a,g){if(!B)throw"Petametrics.send called before Petametrics.init";var k=new Image,
h="//api.petametrics.com/__activity.gif?ts\x3d"+encodeURIComponent((new Date).getTime())+"\x26jsk\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(B)+"\x26e\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(a)+"\x26uid\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(K)+"\x26sid\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(L)+"\x26pvid\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(U)+"\x26dc\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(u.cookie)+"\x26tzo\x3d"+encodeURIComponent((new Date).getTimezoneOffset())+"\x26ua\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(E.userAgent)+"\x26l\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(E.language)+"\x26os\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(E.platform)+
"\x26scd\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(M.colorDepth)+"\x26scrh\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(M.height)+"\x26scrw\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(M.width)+"\x26cu\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(m.location.href)+"\x26ref\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(u.referrer)+"\x26sppx\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(N)+"\x26sppc\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(O)+"\x26dh\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(S())+"\x26jsv\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(ha)+"\x26rs\x3d"+encodeURIComponent(F.random().toString(36).substr(2,16))+"\x26plh\x3d",l=encodeURIComponent,n=Z,t="";if(E.plugins){for(var f=
ea();ba();B in y&&"undefined"!=typeof y[B].b&&y[B].b()}var A=m.$petametricsVar,B=C,ha="0.2.3",X="__pmp",Y="__pmt",K=C,L=C,U=C,V={},G={a:{stuck_10s:1E4,stuck_3m:18E4}},r=u.body,w=u.documentElement,N=0,O=0,P=0,I=m[A].l,ja=function(){return{j:function(a){a=escape(a);var g="",k,h,l="",n,m,f="",q=0;do k=a.charCodeAt(q++),h=a.charCodeAt(q++),l=a.charCodeAt(q++),n=k>>2,k=(k&3)<<4 h="">>4,m=(h&15)<<2 l="">>6,f=l&63,isNaN(h)?m=f=64:isNaN(l)&&(f=64),g=g+"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(n)+2>4>
"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(k)+"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(m)+"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(f);while(qh="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)),n="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)),m="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)),k=k<<2 h="">>4,h=(h&15)<<4 n="">>2,l=(n&3)<<6 a.length="" amp="" f9jdao1edm5dkqi="" f="" g="" h="" k="" l="" m="" n="" p="" return="" tring.fromcharcode="" unescape="" while="" y="{};(function(a,g){y[a]=g})(">{e:/\/q\/([A-Za-z0-9=]{0,})\?/,b:function(){var a=this.e.exec(m.location);1>=a.length||(a=ja.d(a[1]),m[A]("send","item_shown",{item_details:a}))}});(function(){var a=m[A].q||[];m[A]=function(){W(argument
and here's how the Online JavaScript Beautifier cleaned it up...
128 > c ? b += String.fromCharCode(c) : (127 < c && 2048 > c ? b += String.fromCharCode(c >> 6 | 192) : (b += String.fromCharCode(c >> 12 | 224), b += String.fromCharCode(c >> 6 & 63 | 128)), b += String.fromCharCode(c & 63 | 128))
return b
f = function (a) {
var b,
c = a.length;
b = c + 8;
for (var d = 16 * ((b - b % 64) / 64 + 1), e = Array(d - 1), f = 0, g = 0; g < c;) b = (g - g % 4) / 4, f = 8 * (g % 4), e[b] |= a.charCodeAt(g) << f, g++;
b = (g - g % 4) / 4;
e[b] |= 128 << 8 * (g % 4);
e[d - 2] = c << 3;
e[d - 1] = c >>> 29;
return e
d = 1732584193;
c = 4023233417;
b = 2562383102;
e = 271733878;
for (a = 0; a < f.length; a += 16) q = d, p = c, m = b, s = e, d = k(d, c, b, e, f[a + 0], 7, 3614090360), e = k(e, d, c, b, f[a + 1], 12, 3905402710), b = k(b, e, d, c, f[a + 2], 17, 606105819), c = k(c, b, e, d, f[a + 3], 22, 3250441966), d = k(d, c, b, e, f[a + 4], 7, 4118548399), e = k(e, d, c, b, f[a + 5], 12, 1200080426), b = k(b, e, d, c, f[a +
6], 17, 2821735955), c = k(c, b, e, d, f[a + 7], 22, 4249261313), d = k(d, c, b, e, f[a + 8], 7, 1770035416), e = k(e, d, c, b, f[a + 9], 12, 2336552879), b = k(b, e, d, c, f[a + 10], 17, 4294925233), c = k(c, b, e, d, f[a + 11], 22, 2304563134), d = k(d, c, b, e, f[a + 12], 7, 1804603682), e = k(e, d, c, b, f[a + 13], 12, 4254626195), b = k(b, e, d, c, f[a + 14], 17, 2792965006), c = k(c, b, e, d, f[a + 15], 22, 1236535329), d = h(d, c, b, e, f[a + 1], 5, 4129170786), e = h(e, d, c, b, f[a + 6], 9, 3225465664), b = h(b, e, d, c, f[a + 11], 14, 643717713), c = h(c, b, e, d, f[a + 0], 20, 3921069994), d = h(d, c, b, e, f[a + 5], 5, 3593408605), e = h(e,
d, c, b, f[a + 10], 9, 38016083), b = h(b, e, d, c, f[a + 15], 14, 3634488961), c = h(c, b, e, d, f[a + 4], 20, 3889429448), d = h(d, c, b, e, f[a + 9], 5, 568446438), e = h(e, d, c, b, f[a + 14], 9, 3275163606), b = h(b, e, d, c, f[a + 3], 14, 4107603335), c = h(c, b, e, d, f[a + 8], 20, 1163531501), d = h(d, c, b, e, f[a + 13], 5, 2850285829), e = h(e, d, c, b, f[a + 2], 9, 4243563512), b = h(b, e, d, c, f[a + 7], 14, 1735328473), c = h(c, b, e, d, f[a + 12], 20, 2368359562), d = l(d, c, b, e, f[a + 5], 4, 4294588738), e = l(e, d, c, b, f[a + 8], 11, 2272392833), b = l(b, e, d, c, f[a + 11], 16, 1839030562), c = l(c, b, e, d, f[a + 14], 23, 4259657740),
d = l(d, c, b, e, f[a + 1], 4, 2763975236), e = l(e, d, c, b, f[a + 4], 11, 1272893353), b = l(b, e, d, c, f[a + 7], 16, 4139469664), c = l(c, b, e, d, f[a + 10], 23, 3200236656), d = l(d, c, b, e, f[a + 13], 4, 681279174), e = l(e, d, c, b, f[a + 0], 11, 3936430074), b = l(b, e, d, c, f[a + 3], 16, 3572445317), c = l(c, b, e, d, f[a + 6], 23, 76029189), d = l(d, c, b, e, f[a + 9], 4, 3654602809), e = l(e, d, c, b, f[a + 12], 11, 3873151461), b = l(b, e, d, c, f[a + 15], 16, 530742520), c = l(c, b, e, d, f[a + 2], 23, 3299628645), d = n(d, c, b, e, f[a + 0], 6, 4096336452), e = n(e, d, c, b, f[a + 7], 10, 1126891415), b = n(b, e, d, c, f[a + 14], 15, 2878612391),
c = n(c, b, e, d, f[a + 5], 21, 4237533241), d = n(d, c, b, e, f[a + 12], 6, 1700485571), e = n(e, d, c, b, f[a + 3], 10, 2399980690), b = n(b, e, d, c, f[a + 10], 15, 4293915773), c = n(c, b, e, d, f[a + 1], 21, 2240044497), d = n(d, c, b, e, f[a + 8], 6, 1873313359), e = n(e, d, c, b, f[a + 15], 10, 4264355552), b = n(b, e, d, c, f[a + 6], 15, 2734768916), c = n(c, b, e, d, f[a + 13], 21, 1309151649), d = n(d, c, b, e, f[a + 4], 6, 4149444226), e = n(e, d, c, b, f[a + 11], 10, 3174756917), b = n(b, e, d, c, f[a + 2], 15, 718787259), c = n(c, b, e, d, f[a + 9], 21, 3951481745), d = g(d, q), c = g(c, p), b = g(b, m), e = g(e, s);
return (t(d) + t(c) + t(b) +
function Q(a, g, k) {
var h = "";
k && (h = new Date, h.setTime(h.getTime() + 864E5 * k), h = "; expires\x3d" + h.toGMTString());
u.cookie = a + "\x3d" + g + h + "; path\x3d/"
function R(a) {
a += "\x3d";
for (var g = u.cookie.split(";"), k = 0; k < g.length; k++) {
for (var h = g[k];
" " == h.charAt(0);) h = h.substring(1, h.length);
if (0 === h.indexOf(a)) return h.substring(a.length, h.length)
return C
function $(a) {
for (var g in a) a.hasOwnProperty(g) && (G[g] = a[g])
function H(a, g, k) {
a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(g, k, !1) : a.attachEvent("on" +
g, function () {
return k.call(a, m.event)
function D() {
var a = (new Date).getTime();
return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function (g) {
var k = (a + 16 * F.random()) % 16 | 0;
a = F.floor(a / 16);
return ("x" == g ? k : k & 7 | 8).toString(16)
function S() {
return F.max(r.scrollHeight || 0, w.scrollHeight || 0, r.offsetHeight || 0, w.offsetHeight || 0, r.clientHeight || 0, w.clientHeight || 0)
function aa() {
var a = u && u.scrollTop || r && r.scrollTop || 0;
a > N && (N = a);
a = 100 * (((u && u.scrollTop || r && r.scrollTop || 0) + (m.innerHeight || w.clientHeight ||
r.clientHeight || 0)) / S());
a > O && (O = F.floor(a))
function T() {
I && (P += 1 * new Date - I, I = !1)
function ba() {
H(m, "blur", function () {
H(m, "focus", function () {
I = 1 * new Date
function ca() {
for (var a = 2; 10 > a; a++) try {
if (x("PDF.PdfCtrl." + a)) return "Adobe Acrobat version" + a + ".?"
} catch (g) {}
try {
if (x("PDF.PdfCtrl.1")) return "Adobe Acrobat version 4.?"
} catch (k) {}
try {
if (x("AcroPDF.PDF.1")) return "Adobe Acrobat version 7.?"
} catch (h) {}
return ""
function da() {
try {
var a = x("AgControl.AgControl");
if (!a) return "";
try {
return J("AgControl.AgControl",
} catch (g) {
try {
return J("AgControl.AgControl", a.g())
} catch (k) {
try {
for (var h, l = 1; 9 > l; l++) a.k(l + ".0") && (h = l);
return "AgControl.AgControl " + (h || "-1")
} catch (n) {
return "AgControl.AgControl -1"
} catch (m) {
return ""
function J(a, g) {
return a + " " + g
function x(a) {
return new m.ActiveXObject(a)
function ea() {
if (G.a)
for (var a in G.a) fa(a, G.a[a])
function fa(a, g) {
m.setTimeout(function () {
m[A]("send", a)
}, g)
function ga(a, g) {
if (!B) throw "Petametrics.send called before Petametrics.init";
var k = new Image,
h = "//api.petametrics.com/__activity.gif?ts\x3d" + encodeURIComponent((new Date).getTime()) + "\x26jsk\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(B) + "\x26e\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(a) + "\x26uid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(K) + "\x26sid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(L) + "\x26pvid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(U) + "\x26dc\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(u.cookie) + "\x26tzo\x3d" + encodeURIComponent((new Date).getTimezoneOffset()) + "\x26ua\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(E.userAgent) + "\x26l\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(E.language) + "\x26os\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(E.platform) +
"\x26scd\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(M.colorDepth) + "\x26scrh\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(M.height) + "\x26scrw\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(M.width) + "\x26cu\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(m.location.href) + "\x26ref\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(u.referrer) + "\x26sppx\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(N) + "\x26sppc\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(O) + "\x26dh\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(S()) + "\x26jsv\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(ha) + "\x26rs\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(F.random().toString(36).substr(2, 16)) + "\x26plh\x3d",
l = encodeURIComponent,
n = Z,
t = "";
if (E.plugins) {
for (var f =
E.plugins, q = [], p = 0; p < f.length; p++) {
q[p] = f[p].name + "; ";
q[p] += f[p].description + "; ";
q[p] += f[p].filename + ";";
for (var r = 0; r < f[p].length; r++) q[p] += " (" + f[p][r].description + "; " + f[p][r].type + "; " + f[p][r].suffixes + ")";
q[p] += ". "
for (p = 0; p < f.length; p++) t += "Plugin " + p + ": " + q[p]
if ("" === t && m.ActiveXObject) {
var f = ca(),
try {
var d = x("WMPlayer.OCX");
s = !d ? "" : "WMPlayer.OCX " + d.m
} catch (c) {
s = ""
s = f + s;
var b;
try {
var e = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");
b = !e ? "" : J("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash",
} catch (A) {
b = ""
b = s + b;
var z;
try {
var v = x("SWCtl.SWCtl");
z = !v ? "" : J("SWCtl.SWCtl", v.i(""))
} catch (G) {
z = ""
z = b + z;
v = ["rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control", "rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control.1", "RealPlayer.RealPlayer(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)", "RealVideo.RealVideo(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)", "RealPlayer"];
e = b = C;
for (s = 0; s < v.length; s++) {
try {
e = v[s], b = x(v[s])
} catch (H) {
if (b) break
v = !b ? "" : J(e, b.f());
z += v;
var w;
try {
w = "QuickTime.QuickTime " + x("QuickTime.QuickTime").h
} catch (I) {
w = ""
t += z + w + da()
var h =
h + l(n(t)),
for (y in V) h += "\x26" + y + "\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(V[y]);
for (var D in g) h += "\x26" + D + "\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(g[D]);
k.src = h
function W(a) {
a = Array.prototype.slice.call(a);
switch (a[0]) {
case "init":
ia.apply({}, a.slice(1));
case "send":
ga.apply({}, a.slice(1))
function ia(a, g) {
if (B) throw "Petametrics.init called more than once.";
B = a;
H(m, "scroll", aa);
H(m, "unload", function () {
m[A]("send", "exit", {
viewingDuration: P / 1E3
K = R(X);
K || (K = D(), Q(X, K, 365));
L = R(Y);
L || (L = D(), Q(Y, L));
U = D();
B in y && "undefined" != typeof y[B].b && y[B].b()
var A = m.$petametricsVar,
B = C,
ha = "0.2.3",
X = "__pmp",
Y = "__pmt",
K = C,
L = C,
U = C,
V = {}, G = {
a: {
stuck_10s: 1E4,
stuck_3m: 18E4
}, r = u.body,
w = u.documentElement,
N = 0,
O = 0,
P = 0,
I = m[A].l,
ja = function () {
return {
j: function (a) {
a = escape(a);
var g = "",
k, h, l = "",
n, m, f = "",
q = 0;
do k = a.charCodeAt(q++), h = a.charCodeAt(q++), l = a.charCodeAt(q++), n = k >> 2, k = (k & 3) << 4 | h >> 4, m = (h & 15) << 2 | l >> 6, f = l & 63, isNaN(h) ? m = f = 64 : isNaN(l) && (f = 64), g = g + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(n) +
"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(k) + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(m) + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".charAt(f); while (q < a.length);
return g
d: function (a) {
var g = "",
k, h, l = "",
n, m = "",
f = 0;
if (/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g.exec(a)) return "error parsing b64: invalid chars";
a = a.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
do k = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)),
h = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)), n = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)), m = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\x3d".indexOf(a.charAt(f++)), k = k << 2 | h >> 4, h = (h & 15) << 4 | n >> 2, l = (n & 3) << 6 | m, g += String.fromCharCode(k), 64 != n && (g += String.fromCharCode(h)), 64 != m && (g += String.fromCharCode(l));
while (f < a.length);
return unescape(g)
y = {};
(function (a, g) {
y[a] = g
})("f9jdao1edm5dkqi", {
e: /\/q\/([A-Za-z0-9=]{0,})\?/,
b: function () {
var a = this.e.exec(m.location);
1 >= a.length || (a = ja.d(a[1]), m[A]("send", "item_shown", {
item_details: a
(function () {
var a = m[A].q || [];
m[A] = function () {