New version of Tanglu available.

Tanglu 1.0 was released.

"We are happy to announce the release of Tanglu 1.0 (Aequorea Victoria) today! It has been an exciting development period, where lots of new infrastructure was built and set up, new concepts and ideas have been discussed and implemented, new designs were created, texts were translated and blogposts were written. Lots of work went into making the Tanglu archive rebuildable. During this period, a small but very talented team has formed, which made this release great. We found issues which affected Debian as well, which where reported, fixed or pending report and generally worked well together with Debian. Exploring systemd in Tanglu already yielded some hints which will help Debian with its own transition. Of course we also diverge from Debian in some points, so you will find differences - Tanglu is not Debian, although we try to work together whenever it is possible. Most of the changes made were configuration changes for desktop-usecases, lots of simplifications and removal of some packages from the default installation which are not necessarily required anymore (for example, Tanglu does not ship with an MTA: If you need one, install your favourite one from the repository)..."

Tanglu is a Debian-based Linux distribution which aims to provide the best desktop experience for regular users and enthusiasts. Compared to Debian GNU/Linux, Tanglu plans to offer a number of user-friendly, desktop-oriented features such as availability of newer software, inclusion of extra firmware by default, and a regular, time-based release cycle.