New version of Zenwalk Linux available.

Zenwalk Linux 7.4 was released.

"Dear users,
Back to 2004, Zenwalk has been the very first “modern” Linux OS to provide 1 application per task and everything needed for modern multimedia in a single CD ISO image.
Fast boot time, great hardware support, and no “nonsense colorful installer with dancing dolphins” : only usability matters !
With all these improvements : Zenwalk 7.4 is still fully compatible with Slackware packages !
The XFCE desktop environment has been updated version 4.12 GIT, providing a good overview of the upcoming 4.12 final. This intermediate version has been fully tested during 4 months and the result can already be considered very stable (a few components of the XFCE 4.10 have been kept for stability).
Several applications of previous Zenwalks have been replaced : Mplayer is now the multimedia player (instead of Totem), Lxdm is the display manager (instead of GDM), Xfburn is the CD:DVD burner (instead of Brasero), Geeqie is now the image viewer..."

Zenwalk Linux (formerly Minislack) is a Slackware-based GNU/Linux operating system with a goal of being slim and fast by using only one application per task and with focus on graphical desktop and multimedia usage. Zenwalk features the latest Linux technology along with a complete programming environment and libraries to provide an ideal platform for application programmers. Zenwalk's modular approach also provides a simple way to convert Zenwalk Linux into a finely-tuned modern server (e.g. LAMP, messaging, file sharing).