oneko in Kali Linux

Oneko changes your mouse cursor into mouse and creates a little cute cat and the cat start chasing around your mouse cursor. If the cat catchup the “mouse”, start sleeping.

1. How to install – Open Terminal, type apt-get install oneko and Press Enter
(Click on image for large view)

2. Open oneko with help commands
Syntax - /usr/games/oneko -help

3. Neko – neko use neko bitmaps.
Syntax - /usr/games/oneko
          or /usr/games/oneko -neko

4. Dog use dog bitmaps
Syntax - /usr/games/oneko –dog

5. Sakura use sakura bitmaps.
Syntax - /usr/games/oneko -sakura

6. Tomoyo use tomoyo bitmaps.
Syntax - /usr/games/oneko -tomoyo
(Click on image for large view)

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